@karmatosed i really appreciate you taking the time to reply to – from what i can tell – every comment on the plugin… anywhere. i’m sure by now you’ve heard all the cons and there’s really not much i could add there. what kills it for me are things like inline styles / accessibility, backwards compatibility, cooperation with existing plugins (like acf, which i use i.e. to create client specific layout builders), video embeds, backend clarity for clients.
i am aware of the classic editor plugin, but it’s the wrong approach imo: the system should be as simple as possible, with the option to extend it as needed with plugins, not the other way round.
i think the plugin you work on is very promising, but nothing that is needed by the majority of the wp users and therefor it shouldn’t be part of the core. why not make it “semi default” like that hello-dolly nonsense: ship it with the package, but still make it optional.
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by