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  • Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    If the iptc keyword is in the description, you will find it.

    Example: if the description contains 2#055, and you search on 20041013 you will find one bird on

    It looks un logical to find photos on items that are not visible. This is the idea behind indexing only translated keywords that actually are in the description.

    However, you can find the photos on their iptc data regardless of the description when you use the supersearch shortcode.


    Hi Jacob!

    I think Thomas and I are working on the same topic, an interesting one.
    We have our content ready to upload with complete IPTC description and keywords and want to have it searchable via WPPA and wordpress. As far as I tried out, it works fine when I add
    …and so on…

    to a single photo description. Makes the caption and keywords searchable.
    (Is it right to have it comma seperated?)
    But for Thomas and me it would take a lot of time to copy the code into each and every single photo description.
    Is there a way to have it for a whole Album before uploading the content? (Did you describe it and I did not find it?)

    This would give WPPA the possibility to work like a complete online picture database. Did you think about this fact?
    Thomas mentioned coppermine and pixtacy, which both are great, but both of them are not (really) responsive. With WPPA and a good and simple wordpress theme (like the one I use, “simply read”) photographers could use wordpress as a database with full search function in all IPTC and EXIF fields.
    I suppose that most photographers have not thought about this, or, they do not see the need to have it.
    What I want to do is to built a database in the net and use my “homegrown” images with a full searchable function in all the IPTC fields that are available with a “click-on-or-off” function.
    What do you think, Jacob?
    Thanks for your time.

    Best wishes,
    Dieter from Berlin

    When you describe the search funtion on:”
    there is a little something that may confuse some people:

    It’s the (br /)

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    (Is it right to have it comma seperated?)

    You can use any separator like a space char or from " ' , \ > < : ; ! ? = _ [ ] ( ) { }

    But for Thomas and me it would take a lot of time to copy the code into each and every single photo description.
    Is there a way to have it for a whole Album before uploading the content? (Did you describe it and I did not find it?)

    YES, YES, its so simple, please read this doc page, if you have read this, pls do it again, i just updated it, especially the very last list item. The <br /> just adds a newline.

    Yes, easy.
    Thank you and have a good christmas time.


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