Make Icons Clickable
Hi there!
Im wondering if anybody could help me make these boxes clickable.
Im using a module called “Presentation Boxes” from my template but the boxes arnt clickable (Id especially like the icons clickable)
You can see the boxes half way down this page (eg ANZ Hotshots, Juniors etc)
Can anybody please help me?
Thanks so much ??
KatiePs. This is the code for the module
<?php if (!empty($effects)) { $cr_effect = ' cr-animate-gen" data-gen="' . $effects . '" data-gen-offset="bottom-in-view'; } else { $cr_effect = ''; } $uniq_id = uniqid('mvb_features_module_img_'); # Addition CSS styles $addition_css_styles = ''; if (!empty($css_styles)) { $addition_css_styles .= $css_styles; } if (!empty($addition_css_styles)) { $addition_css_styles = 'style="' . $addition_css_styles . '"'; } $icon_style = $_link = $icon_background = ''; ?> <div id="<?php echo $uniq_id; ?>" class="features_module module <?php echo ($few_rows) ? 'features_module-eq-height' : ''; ?> <?php echo (!empty($css)) ? $css : ''; ?> <?php echo $cr_effect; ?>" <?php echo $addition_css_styles; ?>> <?php include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/_title.php'); ?> <?php if ($few_rows) { if (count($r_items) >= 3) { $column_number = (count($r_items) == 4) ? mvb_num_to_string(6) : mvb_num_to_string(4); } } ?> <div class="row"> <?php if (count($r_items) > 0): ?> <?php foreach ($r_items as $panel): ?> <?php if (!empty($panel['effects'])) { $cr_effect = ' cr-animate-gen animated" data-gen="' . $panel['effects'] . '" data-gen-offset="bottom-in-view'; } else { $cr_effect = ''; } ?> <?php if (!empty($panel['link_url'])) { $_link = $panel['link_url']; } elseif (!empty($panel['page_id']) && is_numeric($panel['page_id']) && $panel['page_id'] > 0) { $_page_ = get_page($panel['page_id']); if (isset($_page_->ID)) { $_link = get_page_link($panel['page_id']); } } $wrapper_class = $column_number .' columns'; ?> <div class="<?php echo $wrapper_class; ?>"> <div class="feature-box al-top <?php echo $text_align . $cr_effect; ?>"> <?php if(!empty($panel['icon']) || !empty($panel['image'])) : ?> <div class="icon"> <?php if(!empty($panel['icon'])) { ?> <i class="<?php echo $panel['icon']; ?>"></i> <?php } elseif(!empty($panel['image'])) { $img = wp_get_attachment_url($panel['image']); $img_url = aq_resize($img, 130); ?> <img src="<?php echo $img_url; ?>" alt=""> <?php } ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if (!empty($panel['sub_title'])): ?> <div class="dopinfo"><?php echo $panel['sub_title']; ?></div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if (!empty($panel['main_title'])): ?> <div class="feature-title"> <?php if ($_link) { echo '<a href="' . $_link . '">'; } echo $panel['main_title']; if ($_link) { echo '</a>'; } ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if (!empty($panel['content'])): ?> <div class="feat-block-content"> <?php echo mvb_parse_content($panel['content'], TRUE); ?> <?php if (!empty($panel['read_more']) && $_link) { ?> <?php echo DFD_HTML::read_more($_link, $panel['read_more_text']); ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> </div> </div> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php endif; ?> </div> </div>
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