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  • We already had this discussion ??
    But.. better versions of those snippets could be:

    add_filter('tc_fp_single_display', 'add_title_link', 20, 6);
    function add_title_link($html, $fp_single_id, $show_img, $fp_img, $featured_page_link, $featured_page_title){
        $link = '<a href="'.$featured_page_link.'">'.$featured_page_title.'</a>';
        return preg_replace('/<h2>'.$featured_page_title.'(.*?)<\/h2>/', '<h2>'.$link.'$1</h2>',$html);

    and for the js (which should be compatible also with fpu extension.. maybe):

    add_action('wp_footer', 'fp_titles_linkizr', 200);
    function fp_titles_linkizr(){
        if ( ! tc__f('__is_home') )
        <script type="text/javascript">
            jQuery(document).ready(function () {
                !function ($){
                    "use strict";
                     // grab all a .round-div
                    var $round_divs = $("a").filter(".round-div");
                    // grab all fp-titles
                    var $titles = $(".widget-front > :header");
                    $titles.each( function(i) {
                        var $edit_span = $(this).find('span');
                        // let's wrap the title into the round-div link
                        var linkizd_title = '<a href="' + $( $round_divs[i] ).attr('href') + '" title="' + $( $round_divs[i] ).attr('title') + '">' + $(this).html() + '</a>';

    edit: in the js take care of the edit button when in admin mode.

    Thread Starter David_G


    I forgot I did ask about that before. Short memory I guess. Thanks for responding.


    js code edited/updated

    Thread Starter David_G



    Thread Starter David_G


    Now I do remember, couldn’t get it to work then either. Still not working.

    Which one?
    js or the other one?
    Are you using a fp plug in?
    Also, can I see your site?

    Anyway you said in that post:
    “Fantastic, That worked GREAT… Thank You.”
    so, or you lied then or you’re lying now saying you remember you couldn’t get it to work, or your memory is very short :P. Plus I remember I checked if it was working on your site, I always do this check when people provide a website.
    Since then some changes have been made in fpu plugin

    This is the js version which should take care about fpu plugin:

    add_action('wp_footer', 'fp_titles_linkizr', 200);
    function fp_titles_linkizr(){
        if ( ! tc__f('__is_home') )
        $widget_front = class_exists('TC_fpu') ? "fpc-widget-front" : "widget-front";
        <script type="text/javascript">
            jQuery(document).ready(function () {
                !function ($){
                    "use strict";
                     // grab all a .round-div
                    var $round_divs = $(".<?php echo $widget_front; ?> a").filter(".round-div");
                    // grab all fp-titles
                    var $titles = $(".<?php echo $widget_front; ?> > :header");
                    $titles.each( function(i) {
                        var $edit_span = $(this).find('span');
                        // let's wrap the title into the round-div link
                        var linkizd_title = '<a href="' + $( $round_divs[i] ).attr('href') + '" title="' + $( $round_divs[i] ).attr('title') + '">' + $(this).text() + '</a>';

    edit: use widget front selectors

    Since fpu APIs are different than customizr fp ones, and assuming they’re not changed since fpu 1.13 (this is the last version I have)..
    ..This should be the “filter” version for fpu:

    add_filter('fpc_single_display', 'add_fpc_title_link', 20, 5);
    function add_fpc_title_link($html, $fp_single_id, $fp_img, $featured_page_link, $featured_page_title){
        $link = '<a href="'.$featured_page_link.'">'.$featured_page_title.'</a>';
        return preg_replace('/<h(.*?)>'.$featured_page_title.'(.*?)<\/h(.*?)>/', '<h$1>'.$link.'$2</h$1>',$html);

    Thread Starter David_G


    My very HUMBLE APOLOGIES, Your right it did work then, I will definately take that statement back. Sorry I didn’t get back here sooner to make things right.
    I can’t seem to get it to work now however. I did change it to “fpc” from the beginning as I am using FPU. I am wondering if it has to do with my customization of the Title Text. I haven’t tried the latest snippets you posted yet.

    Thread Starter David_G


    OK just added those snippets, they work PERFECTLY.

    Again Thank You and my sincere apologies.


    No dear questas_admin, no need to apologize, it’s my fault. I’ve been rude, sometimes happens (I am irritable and touchy :P), sorry.
    Glad to hear you solved.
    I see you are using the javascript version, what about the one which uses the filter? Doesn’t work?
    Let me know, when you can.

    Thread Starter David_G


    We both must have been grumpy that day. I was getting rather frustrated myself. It seemed nothing was working correctly that day from computers, trucks, weather and the final breaking straw a teenage brat!

    Anyway, both codes work great. I just tried the js version last.

    Cheers Back.

    Ehehe ??

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