Make FP Titles Clickable
Is there any way to make the Featured Page Titles Clickable/linkable?
We already had this discussion ??
But.. better versions of those snippets could be:add_filter('tc_fp_single_display', 'add_title_link', 20, 6); function add_title_link($html, $fp_single_id, $show_img, $fp_img, $featured_page_link, $featured_page_title){ $link = '<a href="'.$featured_page_link.'">'.$featured_page_title.'</a>'; return preg_replace('/<h2>'.$featured_page_title.'(.*?)<\/h2>/', '<h2>'.$link.'$1</h2>',$html); }
and for the js (which should be compatible also with fpu extension.. maybe):
add_action('wp_footer', 'fp_titles_linkizr', 200); function fp_titles_linkizr(){ if ( ! tc__f('__is_home') ) return; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function () { !function ($){ "use strict"; // grab all a .round-div var $round_divs = $("a").filter(".round-div"); // grab all fp-titles var $titles = $(".widget-front > :header"); $titles.each( function(i) { var $edit_span = $(this).find('span'); $edit_span.detach(); // let's wrap the title into the round-div link var linkizd_title = '<a href="' + $( $round_divs[i] ).attr('href') + '" title="' + $( $round_divs[i] ).attr('title') + '">' + $(this).html() + '</a>'; $(this).html(linkizd_title); $(this).append($edit_span); }); }(window.jQuery); }); </script> <?php }
edit: in the js take care of the edit button when in admin mode.
I forgot I did ask about that before. Short memory I guess. Thanks for responding.
js code edited/updatedThanks
Now I do remember, couldn’t get it to work then either. Still not working.
Which one?
js or the other one?
Are you using a fp plug in?
Also, can I see your site?
Thanks.Anyway you said in that post:
“Fantastic, That worked GREAT… Thank You.”
so, or you lied then or you’re lying now saying you remember you couldn’t get it to work, or your memory is very short :P. Plus I remember I checked if it was working on your site, I always do this check when people provide a website.
Since then some changes have been made in fpu pluginThis is the js version which should take care about fpu plugin:
add_action('wp_footer', 'fp_titles_linkizr', 200); function fp_titles_linkizr(){ if ( ! tc__f('__is_home') ) return; $widget_front = class_exists('TC_fpu') ? "fpc-widget-front" : "widget-front"; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function () { !function ($){ "use strict"; // grab all a .round-div var $round_divs = $(".<?php echo $widget_front; ?> a").filter(".round-div"); // grab all fp-titles var $titles = $(".<?php echo $widget_front; ?> > :header"); $titles.each( function(i) { var $edit_span = $(this).find('span'); $edit_span.detach(); // let's wrap the title into the round-div link var linkizd_title = '<a href="' + $( $round_divs[i] ).attr('href') + '" title="' + $( $round_divs[i] ).attr('title') + '">' + $(this).text() + '</a>'; $(this).html(linkizd_title); $(this).append($edit_span); }); }(window.jQuery); }); </script> <?php }
edit: use widget front selectors
Since fpu APIs are different than customizr fp ones, and assuming they’re not changed since fpu 1.13 (this is the last version I have)..
..This should be the “filter” version for fpu:add_filter('fpc_single_display', 'add_fpc_title_link', 20, 5); function add_fpc_title_link($html, $fp_single_id, $fp_img, $featured_page_link, $featured_page_title){ $link = '<a href="'.$featured_page_link.'">'.$featured_page_title.'</a>'; return preg_replace('/<h(.*?)>'.$featured_page_title.'(.*?)<\/h(.*?)>/', '<h$1>'.$link.'$2</h$1>',$html); }
My very HUMBLE APOLOGIES, Your right it did work then, I will definately take that statement back. Sorry I didn’t get back here sooner to make things right.
I can’t seem to get it to work now however. I did change it to “fpc” from the beginning as I am using FPU. I am wondering if it has to do with my customization of the Title Text. I haven’t tried the latest snippets you posted yet.OK just added those snippets, they work PERFECTLY.
Again Thank You and my sincere apologies.
No dear questas_admin, no need to apologize, it’s my fault. I’ve been rude, sometimes happens (I am irritable and touchy :P), sorry.
Glad to hear you solved.
I see you are using the javascript version, what about the one which uses the filter? Doesn’t work?
Let me know, when you can.
CheersWe both must have been grumpy that day. I was getting rather frustrated myself. It seemed nothing was working correctly that day from computers, trucks, weather and the final breaking straw a teenage brat!
Anyway, both codes work great. I just tried the js version last.
Cheers Back.
Ehehe ??
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