• I am trying to make my 2 column form responsive. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Form Code:

    <div id=”two-column”>
    <div id=”left”>
    <p>Your Name (required)
    [text* your-name placeholder “Your Name”] </p>
    <p> Company Name
    [text company-name placeholder "Company Name"]</p>
    <p>Your Email (required)
    [email* your-email placeholder “email”] </p>


    <div id=”right”>
    <p> Phone Number
    [tel telephone /12 placeholder “555-555-5555”]</p>
    <p> Best Time to Call
    [radio call-time “Morning” “Afternoon” “Evening”]</p>

    <div id=”clear-float”>
    <p>Your Message
    [textarea message placeholder “Message”]</p>
    <p>Please enter the following code before submitting your message.
    [captchac captcha-939 size:m][captchar captcha-939 8/8]</p>
    <p><input type=”reset” class=”wpcf7-reset” />[submit “Send”]</p>


    CSS for the form

    width: 100%;

    #two-column #left {
    width: 75%;
    float: left;
    #two-column #right {
    width: 25%;
    float: left;

    #two-column #clear-float {
    clear: both;

    .wpcf7-form-control-wrap input[type=”text”], .wpcf7-form-control-wrap textarea, .wpcf7-form-control-wrap select {
    background: #F7F7F7 url(epanel/page_templates/images/contact_input.png) repeat-x !important;
    border: 1px solid #CCC !important;
    color: #111 !important;
    padding: 8px !important;
    border-radius: 8px !important;
    -webkit-border-radius: 8px !important;
    -moz-border-radius: 8px !important;
    margin: 0px !important;
    font-family: arial !important;

    .wpcf7-form-control-wrap input[type=”email”], .wpcf7-form-control-wrap textarea, .wpcf7-form-control-wrap select {
    background: #F7F7F7 url(epanel/page_templates/images/contact_input.png) repeat-x !important;
    border: 1px solid #CCC !important;
    color: #111 !important;
    padding: 8px !important;
    border-radius: 8px !important;
    -webkit-border-radius: 8px !important;
    -moz-border-radius: 8px !important;
    margin: 0px !important;
    font-family: arial !important;

    .wpcf7-form-control-wrap input[type=”tel”], .wpcf7-form-control-wrap textarea, .wpcf7-form-control-wrap select {
    background: #F7F7F7 url(epanel/page_templates/images/contact_input.png) repeat-x !important;
    border: 1px solid #CCC !important;
    color: #111 !important;
    padding: 8px !important;
    border-radius: 8px !important;
    -webkit-border-radius: 8px !important;
    -moz-border-radius: 8px !important;
    margin: 0px !important;
    font-family: arial !important;

    .wpcf7-form-control-wrap select {
    background:#F7F7F7 !important;

    .wpcf7-form-control-wrap input[type=”text”] {
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    width: 90%;

    .wpcf7-form-control-wrap input[type=”email”] {
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    width: 90%;

    .wpcf7-form-control-wrap input[type=”tel”] {

    .wpcf7-form-control-wrap textarea {
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    width: 95%;

    .wpcf7-captchar, .wpcf7-quiz {
    width:15% !important;

    span.wpcf7-list-item {
    display: block;
    margin-left: 0 !important;

    .wpcf7-submit, .wpcf7-reset {
    border: 0px !important;
    color: #ffffff !important;
    float: left;
    font-size: 14px;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    margin-right: 9px;
    height: 32px;

    .wpcf7-submit {
    border-radius: 8px !important;
    width: 10%;
    margin-right: 6px;

    .wpcf7-reset {
    border-radius: 8px !important;
    width: 10%;


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  • Thread Starter Scott Pfau


    Anyone have any ideas on this. I’ve tried everything I can think of to make the form responsive but it doesn’t seem to work. I am more of a designer than coder so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

    It is responsive. Works as it is meant to work. Put in css your media queries to give columns 100% width at some screen sizes.

    You cant squeeze in infinite that it is not meant to look good when squizeed.

    Something like this, only for inspiration:

    @media (min-width: 300px) and (max-width: 1000px) {
    #two-column #left {
    width: 100% !important;

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