First, thanks for leaving a Review! Very, very much appreciated!
I checked out the Oxygen plugin demo video and I must say it looks like a very impressive GUI website designer/builder. Since Oxygen has the capability to alter/modify WordPress files inline using the Oxygen GUI then logically what might be happening is Oxygen is altering/modifying the default WordPress root index.php file, which BPS MMode also does. BPS MMode alters/modifies the default WordPress root index.php file when you turn On BPS MMode and then restores the original backed up default WordPress root index.php file when you turn Off BPS MMode. Another logical possibility is that the Oxygen plugin creates htaccess code in your Root htaccess file.
So possible explanations for why things are working now would be the troubleshooting sequence you used to figure out the problem. Example: you deactivated the Oxygen plugin, then turned On BPS MMode and then finally activated the Oxygen plugin. If Oxygen is altering/modifying the default WordPress root index.php file then when you reactivated Oxygen the BPS MMode code would already be in the default WordPress root index.php file and Oxygen would then do its additional alterations/modifications in the default WordPress root index.php file.
If the Oxygen plugin creates htaccess code on plugin activation then you can check if that is what is happending by going to the BPS htaccess File Editor tab page > click on “Your Current Root htaccess File” tab > scroll down and look at the contents of your Root htaccess file and look for any new htaccess code that was added by the Oxygen plugin. If you see any new htaccess code in your Root htaccess file then post that htaccess code in your forum reply.
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by