Main login form loops
I have met the following error :
– When login form is displayed first for admin pages (case url is <site>/admin/.. or when a renew of the logged in is requested)
– After filling and validating (including captcha) the login form we get at the bottom of page a grid displayed by “<span translate=”no”>query-monitor</span>”, why not, this gives the query information for the login form (we can hope because logged in has been successful for admin or for who have access to admin functions. At this step we can think that we are logged in and the login form “query-monitor data” can be accessed)
- – but there is no simple way to go to the requested page at first
- – if you again fill the form (should be not necessary because at this step you are normally already logged in) you are running a loop which displays again the same content.
- – there is no button to “continue” and run the requested page of admin (or any other case the main login could be requested – no case currently found: for front-end when you are no more logged in you get the visitor display)
- – the alone way found, a workaround, is to force an error (for example password missing), then if you fill again the form with “error message” you get directly the requested admin page without before any display of the query-monitor grid.
The consequences are very important when you reload groups of tabs saved in bookmarks folders, you need to do a boring job for each tab that you want to reload (three operations) and always fill twice the captcha… I have needed a lot of time to find a solution to be able simply to reload a known url and finally understand and explain here what was happening.
I think that’s a bug.
Best regards
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