Using latest release 3.6.2 with Siteground my site was temporarily suspended by Siteground because my cpu was maxed out. The problem is definitely caused by Mailpoet as everything became normal as soon as I deactivated Mailpoet.
Is it possible to reinstate the facility to schedule via Cron. As an experienced developer, I can cope with that easily.
My client will not allow me to reactivate Mailpoet until problem definitely resolved.
It appears that others are experiencing same problem. Unless fixed, I will have to change to use an alternative to Mailpoet (which would be a great pity).
I am using “Visitors to your website” – it is a low volume site.
As a suggestion to the theme authors – siteground provides a regular built-in file-level backup facility (for free) ; is it possible that MailPoet3 is mistaking each file backup process by siteground (of which there are many) for a user access to the site.