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  • Thread Starter jackaspades


    Yes That looks good.

    Thread Starter jackaspades


    Yes the system provides a base map layer (road maps or sat images). The overlay can be set up with fixed opacity on a map with no other controls. However, IGN also provides a control layer for use with Leaflet and their map layers. The specific slider control allows you to modify the opacity using a map control. On the example following (not a wordpress site : you can see the overlays in action using the control on the upper right and selecting IGN elevations or Hydrography. regards

    Thread Starter jackaspades


    No the layers are from France’s mapping institute – the IGN. They include a river course shading overlay and an altitude shading overlay. They can be seen on the Geoportail :

    Thread Starter jackaspades


    OK I understand. Even though it is not intended, the [elevation-gpx…] tag works fine for multiple (non overlapping) tracks. For me this is actually a desirable behavour too.

    Thread Starter jackaspades


    No my layers are not present in Leaflet-providers Thanks anyway for the reference. Maybe an option could be added in a future release of your plugin. Regards

    Thread Starter jackaspades


    Update 1 : The GPPluginLeaflet.js library from IGN requires a data attribute when loading the script. (attribute is a json file which provides api key and access rights to the maps). So far unable to see how to load the data attribute using enqueue. All other libraries load OK with enqueue in the plugin.

    Update 2 : IF load latest D3 – your plugin works fine. But site database pages are using old software and cannot use later than D3 V4.

    Thread Starter jackaspades


    OK I’ll try your enqueue suggestion. If you want private discussion/info about IGN documentation, you can contact me on jackahearts at e dot email

    Thread Starter jackaspades


    Thanks again for your messages.

    I have 2 different areas of the site where maps are displayed :

    1) WordPress posts: In this case, I only want to display an IGN base map with some markers, some waypoints and an altiprofile. No need for layers or layer controls. Your plugin works well for this.

    2) Database Generated Pages : These are created by clicking on a link in a table generated from a specially formatted SQL database. In this case I am using Leaflet, a different version of leaflet.elevation. and a library from IGN called GPPluginLeaflet.js which provides a number of useful map widgets such as route planning, isodistance and isochrone calculations, itinerary profiles, reverse lookups etc. In the current status – database generated pages are working but the WordPress posts are not working. To see a database generated page and the map widgets used click here

    In testing, I can get one or the other to work – but not both.

    The rest of this discussion is perhaps not fully appropriate for the forum.

    If you are willing to exchange e-mails directly, I can provide much more information about these topics.
    Cordialement J C

    Thread Starter jackaspades


    Thanks also for your rapid responses to all previous messages

    I have one further discussion point.

    I am loading the leaflet libraries in header.php – the main entry point for WordPress. As I assume your plugin actually loads the libraries, also tried removing these from wordpress header.php and then no base map appears.

    Observations ?

    Thread Starter jackaspades


    There is also a sample “map only” test article as your requested

    (with IGN base map but OSM also works fine)

    Thread Starter jackaspades


    You can check that it works correctly on this link – currently showing IGN basemap

    Thread Starter jackaspades


    OK I just read your last message. I did the following :
    1) changed to load the latest version of leaflet from unpkg,
    2) removed leaflet-ui library (yes this came from a different site where I am using the same libraries).
    3) removed the GPPluginLeaflet library (coming from IGN which I need for a different section of the site but I can leave out for now.

    I tested
    1) with IGN base layer
    2 without IGN base layer

    In both cases the google controls no longer appear on the map. So it must must have been caused by use of the leaflet-ui library.

    Thread Starter jackaspades


    If I change the last metatag from

    [elevation gpx=”/wp-content/uploads/gpx/clos-gaillard.gpx”]


    [leaflet-gpx src=”/wp-content/uploads/gpx/clos-gaillard.gpx”]

    the undesirable controls are still visible on the map. Looks like this is not coming from your plugin.

    Thread Starter jackaspades


    In case it is useful, here are the short codes used for the map on the above example

    [leaflet-map fitbounds scrollwheel=1 zoom=15]
    [leaflet-marker lat=43.883342 lng=4.267288] trail starts here[/leaflet-marker]
    [leaflet-marker lat=43.887453 lng=4.263249] colony of corn cockles[/leaflet-marker]
    [leaflet-marker lat=43.888499 lng=4.260927] wild snapdragons[/leaflet-marker]
    [leaflet-marker lat=43.892283 lng=4.261621] lizard orchids[/leaflet-marker]
    [leaflet-marker lat=43.896664 lng=4.267719] lizard orchids[/leaflet-marker]
    [leaflet-marker lat=43.891096 lng=4.266784] Violet birds-nest orchid (limodorum abortivum) [/leaflet-marker]
    [elevation gpx=”/wp-content/uploads/gpx/clos-gaillard.gpx”]`

    Thread Starter jackaspades


    Hi I am using a WMTS basemap from the Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière (IGN) – the french national mapping service. I have an API key for this and it is entered in the MAP Tile URL field in the Leaflet Map plugin.
    The basemap displays correctly in the site posts including the gpx track and the the altiprofile (profile created by your plugin).

    I am not using Google Map APIs. However, as you can see on this example ( there are several Google Map controls visible (pegman, search box and geolocalisation box on lower right, some map layer controls upper left and a small layer window on the lower left) which do not work corrctly. I don’t understand how these controls get placed on the map. Are they coming from your plugin ? Can you tell me how to remove them ? Thanks
    PS : I did clean up and remove all references to WP-GPX-MAPs and associated resources so I guess the cause is something else. Regards

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