Mailjet with new form builder and wordpress plugin
This is a published ticket request of a original mailjet ticket and mailjet really very short and false reaction to it.
Request [Mailjet-Ticket: #2497246]:
Hallo lieber Support, arbeitet das WordPress-Plugin von Mailjet ohne den (alten/neuen) Formeditor? Oder muss ich diesem Fall auch etwas umstellen?
Vielen Dank, T.Answer:
Vielen Dank für Ihre Kontaktaufnahme.
Das WordPress-Plugin hat ein separates System vom Widget-System, das veraltet ist.
Ich werde den Ticket jetzt schlie?en.How i consider it:
Mailjet is not (was never) able to answer requests in a kind which is useful. On top of it, the statement is wrong. The emotion created with this kind of answers is to be upset and let me drop each kindness.
I proceeded with the follow-up-ticket [2498718]:
Hallo Mailjet Support(?),
zu Ticket Request [#2497246]: Das war eine Antwort, aber
A) in keinster Weise hilfreich
B) noch dazu falsch.
Zu A): Welches ist die empfohlene Integration von Mailjeit mit WordPress? Warum erhalte ich keinen Hinweis?
Zu B): Unter diesem Link: steht im Versionverlauf zu 5.4.0: “New Widget for Form Builder”: Dies l??t vermuten dass es sich VIELLIECHT darauf bezieht, dass der neue Form Builder eben gerade SCHON im WordPress-Plugin integriert ist. Warum gibt es hier keine qualifizierte Antwort vom Mailjet-Support?!!!?
Bitte um eine qualifizierte, konkrete und detailierte Aussage für die integration von Mailjet’s neuen Form-Builder mit WordPress.
HERZLICHEN DANK, T.My declaration, why i post this here:
- I suspect staff members hide behind private tickets. One one pays attension about their answers.
- I as well suspect, that – maybe – free plans at Mailjet get less support than payed plans. So, what would you expect when getting answers from the support like this when you change to a payed plan? Really better support?
- I hope, anyone can answer this post: Do Mailjet support their new form builder for subscribing to newsletters in the new 5.4.x version of their plugin? Seemingly they do not know or know it wrongly if their own wordpress newsletter plugin is compatible with their own plattform.
- They have a hugh article about their new form builder. Nowhere inside it wordpress integration is mentioned.
Under usual circumstances this would me make assuming that the plugin OF COURSE works with the new form buidler.
My former experiences did not build up the necessary trust for this assumption.
Please understand that i did not translate the original ticket text. But there are tools for it out there…
Best regards, T.
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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