Regarding emailing blog entries,
I’m brand new to web development, and am trying to put together a technology/software plan for a nonprofit I’m starting. The goal is to use on-line tools to further empower individuals & existing organizations within our county in their efforts at providing community services and doing educational outreach.
I had originally been thinking of vBulletin forums using passwords to allow each community (school parent body, neighborhood, nonprofit membership, etc) their own private forum, and then to have shared forums. Then to eventually integrate a database to build an on-line library of articles, links, etc of material written by or relevant to members of the greater community (would include on-line research, studies, opinion pieces, photos, and personal stories).
I’m now thinking that WordPress may be a better avenue for this than a forum. However, it would have to integrate with mailing list features for those members who don’t spend enough time on-line to follow-up on blogs (and aren’t technical enough to do an RSS feed). Ideally, I (and others) could post a blog entry with one or more categories attached, then members could choose which blogs they’d like emailed (based on the categories) and whether or not to receive individual posts or daily/weekly digests.
Like I say, I’m new to most of these tools (including mailing lists, forums & bulletin boards). I would really love some advice as to how to best meet my goals. Would the mailing list hack noted above work for my purposes?
Do you have any suggestion on where I can get good advice for the overall technology plan? As I said, I’m starting a nonprofit, but there is currently NO money coming in (just my own money getting spent), and I can’t afford to even think about hiring a web designer, as the completed website will provide a social service and I don’t expect to generate much, if any income to pay for such services.
Thank you for taking the time to read/respond to this!