• Resolved suvamss


    Hey, I’m about to purchase the premium version and just need to clarify two things –

    1. Is the information entered into the PPOM fields included in the mail sent to the customers from Woocommerce?

    2. Is it possible to include a link to the file uploaded (the wp-media link) in the email receipt?

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  • Hi,

    Yes all information is sent in email sent to client. And File link is also sent in email.

    Thread Starter suvamss


    Can we add other recipients to the email as well? So that the details of the email are sent to another mail along with the customer email.

    If it’s not a feature of the plugin, can you suggest a custom code which will add another recipient to the email?

    Adding a BCC (blind carbon copy) recipient to any WooCommerce email would be best accomplished with a filter targeting woocommerce_email_headers.

    Here is a reference to get you started:
    A bit outdated (2016) but should work with current versions of WooCommerce.

    Thanks, @brozra for sharing code.

    Thread Starter suvamss


    Thanks. Will try it out.

    One final question. Is there any way to send the uploaded files as email attachments as opposed to links?

    Sorry, it’s not possible.

    Thread Starter suvamss


    Hey @brozra & @nmedia ,

    I need a temporary fix to send my “admin new order mail” to the WC Marketplace “vendor”. Can anyone of you help me with it? How do I add respective vendors as bcc in the admin new order mail?



    It’s simple really. Just use the same method as above and create a filter for the new_order email.

    Untested example:

     * Function adds a BCC header for new order emails to WC marketplace vendors
     * @param string $headers The default headers being used
     * @param string $object  The email type/object that is being processed
    function bcc_for_wc_marketplace_vendors( $headers, $object ) {
    	// email types/objects to add bcc to	
    	$add_bcc_to = array('new_order');
    	// if our email object is in our array
    	if ( in_array( $object, $add_bcc_to ) ) {
    		// change our headers
    		$headers = array(
    			'Bcc: [email protected], [email protected]' ."\r\n",
    	} return $headers;
    } add_filter( 'woocommerce_email_headers', 'bcc_for_wc_marketplace_vendors', 10, 2 );

    Just change out the emails with whatever you want them to be. Should work for your case.

    Thread Starter suvamss


    Does this automatically get the vendor’s mail form the order? Since there are multiple vendors, I need a solution which can send a mail to the vendor of each product order, not all the vendors :/



    No it doesn’t work that way with WC Marketplace. The code above would only work for a single-user WooCommerce installation and sending out BCCs to alternate emails.

    WC Marketplace sends out a new order email to the vendor automatically. And I think, but I’m not 100% sure, that the WC marketplace vendor suborder ID and WooCommerce order ID are different so it might be confusing for them to receive the admin new order email.

    You might want to contact WC Marketplace instead for assistance or check if they have any developer docs available. Good luck!



    Hi @suvamss,

    Yes better to check with WC Marketplace for this.

    Thanks, @brozra.

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