Yes, what I did was go in under the hood & manually delete mailpoet by deleting the folder for it, and then I used the wordpress dashboard to reinstall mailpoet. I don’t know rather that’s the best option (I’m not a wordpress expert), but it does seem to have gotten things back up and running. At least it looks like it to me.
If you have a managed wordpress site that doesn’t have FTP access, you’re going to need to contact their tech support. Because if they don’t give FTP access, then you don’t have it (and therefore can’t use FTP).
I don’t know if the wordpress dashboard has anything that would be useful to delete a plugin that’s only partly there. There’s the Plugins > Plugin File Editor, but I’m not sure if it will do you any good. Because mailpoet might not show up there either???
If your webhost allows FTP access, then it really depends on how they allow it. See to get some background info.
My webhost gives me FTP access, both via FTP client and via a web interface in the control panel on their website (I get to said control panel by logging into their website with the account I made when I bought the webhosting from them). My FTP client (Cyberduck) was being beyond slow (I miss FireFTP), so I just used my webhost’s web interface to access the files that make up my wordpress site. A web host I’ve used in the past called it their “file editor” everyone has different names for it (if they provide a way to directly edit the files they’re hosting for you).
Your mailpoet folder is probably in your wp-content/plugins folder. That’s the default spot for all plugins. If you go looking for your mailpoet folder, then be careful not to delete (or edit) any other files or folders (because that could potentially break your whole site). has some more info about what the “wp-content” folder is. I wouldn’t do the stuff that the article says to do, it just explains a few things.
It’s sort of like manually installing a plugin though I’m struggling to find some good info about how to actually do that.
Worst case, if you’ve never used FTP before and don’t feel comfortable doing so (since getting under the hood like that comes with the risk of breaking everything if you do the wrong thing), maybe you can contact your webhost’s tech support and tell them how mailpoet disappeared but can’t be installed? Some are willing to get a bit hands-on for their customers and fix problems like these.