• williamgarner


    Hi, All:

    I’m currently running Magazine Basic theme, which features a cool three-column layout. My problems are:

    1. When no posts are present on the blog, the second sidebar (right side) shifts from the right of the page to the bottom, just underneath the first sidebar. How do i anchor it so the center column that contains the content doesn’t collapse?

    2. How do I get rid of the menu bar under the subtitle? This menu bar now has HOME page and Categories in it. I’d like to move my custom Pages (e.g. About Us, Resources & Links, etc.) to this bar and just delete the Categories from it.

    3. Which “Categories pulldown menu” plugin is best for this theme to use on the sidebar? I’ve tried six already and they’re all buggy.

    Thank you,


    P.S. Site is https://thatsjustplumdumb.com

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  • oberazzi


    How did you solve this? I would like to control which, if any, categories and pages are listed up top.

    Thread Starter williamgarner



    I “solved” it by posting at least one article or post. Nothing else. Just dumb luck to get it to go back to the three-column layout again.

    Sorry to disappoint!


    Thread Starter williamgarner


    oops. misunderstood your question. I haven’t solved that issue yet, i.e. #2 and 3. only #1. Does that make me constipated, only doing #1?

    Hello Friend


    How did you put your personal header up? Did you change the colors in the stylesheet?

    Thread Starter williamgarner


    Hi, Daniel:

    Do you mean the header here: https://thatsjustplumdumb.com/wordpress/ ???


    Thread Starter williamgarner


    If so, I used the theme Magazine Basic, which allows for a three-column layout plus ability to place my own logo in the header in place of any WordPress text. If you need further info, lemme know. Magazine Basic can be found here:

    Thread Starter williamgarner


    Oh, I see you’re interested also in the header’s menu bar colors, yes? Those gradient-purples are actually two different files, one for the top in which the gradient goes dark to light starting from top, and the bottom one under my logo. I created a 1 x 34 pixel file and colored it the way I wanted (purple gradient), then uploaded it to the images folder of my theme. CSS code in the style.css file forces this 1-pixel wide file to repeat on the x-axis, so it flows all the way across the screen.

    Hello Friend


    Awesome! Smart move. It looks good. Did you just replace the files in the image folder and it automatically switched them out or did you have to go ahead and change code as well?

    I have two websites


    but just uploaded magazine basic for


    Thread Starter williamgarner


    Hi, Daniel:

    Grrreat blog! Lotsa energy and passion behind it. I’m proud!

    Let’s see . . . what did I do to get me header up there? Hmmm . . . oh, I uploaded the header image I wanted, which was about 240 high x 1020 pixels wide, saved as good jpg . . . sent that image to the Magazine Basic theme’s UPLOAD folder, not the Images folder! I had to play around with it ’til I found the right place to put it. Anyway, just saved you ten minutes. : )

    About the code: you only need to remove your Description, if you choose, so it doesn’t interfere with the logo image.

    Lemme know how it goes: [email protected]


    Hello Friend


    Thanx so much…I also was wondering about the things you made and uploaded. I got the header part down, but wanted to know how you got the different colored bars up and running.

    Once again great idea for a site!

    Thread Starter williamgarner


    I’ll answer this when i get back in town later today. . . .

    Thread Starter williamgarner


    Hi, Daniel:

    The bars are actually gone now, but I can recall what I did: those gradient-purples are actually two different files, one for the top in which the gradient goes dark to light starting from top, and the bottom one under my logo. I created a 1 x 34 pixel file and colored it the way I wanted (purple gradient), then uploaded it to the images folder of my theme. CSS code in the style.css file forces this 1-pixel wide file to repeat on the x-axis, so it flows all the way across the screen.

    Make sense? All you do is replace the existing file for that image that is turned into a bar that traverses the page. I’ll write more about the exact steps, but must write a report for now. . . .


    Thread Starter williamgarner


    Hi, Daniel:

    Here’s the code I used to get that bottom purple menu bar under the header logo. I’ve included some of the code above and below the pertinent code from the style.css file, so you can easily find it.

    #title {
    font-size: 52px;
    margin: 20px 0 0;
    padding: 0;
    line-height: 34px;

    #title a {
    color: #6332A1;

    #title a:hover {
    color: #FF0000;
    text-decoration: none;

    #description {
    font-size: 36px; color: #9B8BC1;
    margin: 10px 0 15px;
    padding: 0;

    #navigation {
    background: url(images/bottomlinepurple.png) repeat-x;
    clear: left;
    float: left;
    width: 100%;
    height: 25px;

    ul.menu * {

    ul.menu ul {position:absolute; top:25px; left:0; background:#E6FFD1; display:none; opacity:0; list-style:none;}
    ul.menu ul li {position:relative; border:1px solid #aaa; width:159px; margin:0}
    ul.menu ul li a {display:block; padding:5px 7px 5px 12px; color: #5D5DA6; background-color:#E6FFD1; border-right: 0; font-size: 12px; }
    ul.menu ul li a:hover {background-color:#E0D3FF}
    ul.menu ul ul {left:159px; top:-1px}

    Thread Starter williamgarner


    as you can see, the code for the menu bar starts with #navigation. My image file for the bar is a 1 pixel x 34 pixel file called bottomlinepurple.png, which repeats to form a solid line.

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