• What a great plugin.

    Previous to using GD Mail Queue I’ve been so annoyed with about how long it took my website (which sends emails via SMTP using office365) to respond when someone placed an order. I tried sending SMTP via gmail as well, bit with either the ‘submitting order’ spinner would sit there for up to 20 seconds or so while WordPress was waiting for the email to send before it could then respond to the user.

    Now my site is so quick to respond. Instantly giving our customers the ‘order received’ message while this plugin then takes care of the SMTP stuff in the background. Much more professional and better for our customers.

    I’ve tried another mail queue plugin to do this but it is no longer supported and found a couple of messages jammed and not sending with no reason why.

    This plugin is easy to configure and test before giving it total control and the mail logs are brilliant.


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