Made a template function loop
I really like your plugin. I badly needed the abillity to use multiple templates, so i made working fixes you could optimize and add in your neat plugin! ??I added:
in user-view-show-staff-list.php line 3 to 16:
function sslp_staff_member_listing_shortcode_func($atts) { extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'single' => 'no', 'group' => '', 'wrap_class' => '', 'template' => '', 'order' => 'ASC', ), $atts)); // Get Template and CSS $custom_html = stripslashes_deep(get_option('_staff_listing_custom_html')); $custom_css = stripslashes_deep(get_option('_staff_listing_custom_css')); $custom_html2 = stripslashes_deep(get_option('_staff_listing_custom_html2'));
in user-view-show-staff-list.php line 49 to 57:
/** * Set up our loop_markup */ if (empty($template)){ $loop_markup = $loop_markup_reset = str_replace("[staff_loop]", "", substr($custom_html, strpos($custom_html, "[staff_loop]"), strpos($custom_html, "[/staff_loop]") - strpos($custom_html, "[staff_loop]"))); } elseif ($template = '2'){ $loop_markup = $loop_markup_reset = str_replace("[staff_loop]", "", substr($custom_html2, strpos($custom_html2, "[staff_loop]"), strpos($custom_html, "[/staff_loop]") - strpos($custom_html2, "[staff_loop]"))); }
then in admin-views.php line 200ish
/* // Build the 'Templates' Page //////////////////////////////*/ function sslp_staff_member_template_page(){ // Get options for default HTML CSS $default_html = get_option('_staff_listing_default_html'); $default_css = get_option('_staff_listing_default_css'); $default_html2 = get_option('_staff_listing_default_html2');
then in admin-views.php line 234ish to 346:
// Check Nonce and then update options if ( !empty($_POST) && check_admin_referer( 'staff-member-template', 'staff-list-template' ) ) { update_option('_staff_listing_custom_html', $_POST[ "staff-listing-html"]); update_option('_staff_listing_custom_css', $_POST[ "staff-listing-css"]); $custom_html = stripslashes_deep(get_option('_staff_listing_custom_html')); $custom_css = stripslashes_deep(get_option('_staff_listing_custom_css')); update_option('_staff_listing_custom_html2', $_POST[ "staff-listing-html2"]); $custom_html2 = stripslashes_deep(get_option('_staff_listing_custom_html2')); // Save custom css to a file in current theme directory $filename = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/simple-staff-list-custom.css'; file_put_contents($filename, $custom_css); } else { $custom_html = stripslashes_deep(get_option('_staff_listing_custom_html')); $custom_html2 = stripslashes_deep(get_option('_staff_listing_custom_html2')); // Save custom css to a file in current theme directory $filename = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/simple-staff-list-custom.css'; if (!file_exists($filename)){ $custom_css = stripslashes_deep(get_option('_staff_listing_custom_css')); file_put_contents($filename, $custom_css); } else { $custom_css = file_get_contents($filename); } } $output .= '<div class="wrap sslp-template">'; $output .= '<div id="icon-edit" class="icon32 icon32-posts-staff-member"><br /></div><h2>Simple Staff List</h2>'; $output .= '<h2>Templates</h2>'; $output .= '<div>'; $output .= '<h4>Accepted Template Tags <strong>(UNFORMATTED)</strong></h4>'; $output .= $default_tag_ul; $output .= '<br />'; $output .= '<h4>Accepted Template Tags <strong>(FORMATTED)</strong></h4>'; $output .= $default_formatted_tag_ul; $output .= '<br />'; $output .= '<p>These <strong>MUST</strong> be used inside the <code>[staff_loop]</code> wrapper. The unformatted tags will return plain strings so you will want to wrap them in your own HTML. The <code>[staff_loop]</code> can accept any HTML so be careful when adding your own HTML code. The formatted tags will return data wrapped in HTML elements. For example, <code>[staff-name-formatted]</code> returns <code><h3>STAFF-NAME</h3></code>, and <code>[staff-email-link]</code> returns <code><a href="mailto:STAFF-EMAIL" title="Email STAFF-NAME">STAFF-EMAIL</a></code>.</p>'; $output .= '<p>**Note: All emails are obfuscated using the <a href="" target="_blank" title="WordPress email obfuscation function: antispambot()">antispambot() WordPress function</a>.</p>'; $output .= '<br />'; $output .= '<form method="post" action="">'; $output .= '<h3>Staff Loop Template</h3>'; $output .= '<div class="default-html"> <h4 class="heading button-secondary">View Default Template</h4> <div class="content"> <pre>'.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes_deep($default_html)).'</pre> </div> </div><br />'; $output .= '<textarea name="staff-listing-html" cols="120" rows="16">'.$custom_html.'</textarea>'; $output .= '<p><input type="submit" value="Save ALL Changes" class="button button-primary button-large"></p><br /><br />'; $output .= '<h3>Staff Page CSS</h3>'; $output .= '<div class="default-css"> <h4 class="heading button-secondary">View Default CSS</h4> <div class="content"> <pre>'.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes_deep($default_css)).'</pre> </div> </div><br />'; $output .= '<p style="margin-top:0;">Add your custom CSS below to style the output of your staff list. I\'ve included selectors for everything output by the plugin.</p>'; $output .= '<textarea name="staff-listing-css" cols="120" rows="16">'.$custom_css.'</textarea>'; $output .= '<p><input type="submit" value="Save ALL Changes" class="button button-primary button-large"></p>'; $output .= wp_nonce_field('staff-member-template', 'staff-list-template'); $output .= '</div>'; $output .= '<h3>Staff Loop Template2</h3>'; $output .= '<div class="default-html2"> <h4 class="heading button-secondary">View Default Template2</h4> <div class="content"> <pre>'.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes_deep($default_html2)).'</pre> </div> </div><br />'; $output .= '<textarea name="staff-listing-html2" cols="120" rows="16">'.$custom_html2.'</textarea>'; $output .= '<p><input type="submit" value="Save ALL Changes" class="button button-primary button-large"></p><br /><br />'; $output .= '</form>'; $output .= '</div>'; echo $output;
Did i forget something?. The tweaks works wonders with your great plugin.
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