• rosaalba


    I am creating a website for my son’s school. I have a Mac (and also a Dell but it is old, unstable and sloooooow on XP): I want to download 3.1 WordPress to my MacBook to develop the prototype site locally (on the MacBook) with a view to publish later to an RM (Windows based) ftp server to which I cannot connect except using the school server and the schools own RM Windows Machine probably running XP.
    The Headteacher will be editing the site once it is produced, using WordPress on a windows machine.
    I hope I can publish the files to a pendrive to take into the school to upload via the secure FTP. I know if there are problems I can use a client such as Filezilla to do things.

    My questions are:
    Can I build the website using WordPress locally on a Mac?
    Can I then upload/publish it to a pendrive to take to the school and upload the pages to/via secure FTP?
    Can someone then edit the pages and update from WordPress installed on a Windows machine.

    I am not sure in terms of the download and installation what not having an URL for the website (well I have the URL but cannot log into it) means?

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  • esmi


    Can I build the website using WordPress locally on a Mac?

    Yes. See Installing_WordPress_Locally.

    Can I then upload/publish it to a pendrive to take to the school and upload the pages to/via secure FTP?

    Not a whole site – no. All of the content in WP is stored in the database – not within files. You should really review Moving_WordPress first.

    Can someone then edit the pages and update from WordPress installed on a Windows machine.

    WordPress is normally installed in a remote server with all of the content editing taking place online.

    Thread Starter rosaalba


    I have installed the MAMP successfully and used it to create a Database heading (WordPress as suggested);
    I have downloaded, unzipped and transferred all the WordPress files to the relevant folder /Applications/MAMP/htdocs as described;
    I have opened the wp-admin/install.php and it says (via Opera) that that the server does not have php turned on (which may be so, as I am not on a server but MAMP.

    Following the install-locally-on-a-mac instructions, I have tried to go to a variety of inpust of localhost:port/wordpress including substituting <port> with the numbers (8888, 8889 and 80) but to no avail. The first localhost:port/wordpress takes me to this url https://www.a4aapl.com/2009/12/how-to-install-wordpress-on-mac-with.html which tells me to do what I am doing (which takes me to the same url.

    I have not tried to edit the wp-configure-sample.php in texteditor to resave as configure.php because I am not entirely sure what values to put where.

    And then what to do with it.

    Five minutes install… my aunt jessie – I have been here for hours.



    Actually, you can bring the whole site to the school in a pendrive, but you will still need to export the database to a file.

    Well the 5 min install assumes that you have access to a working server. That’s what MAMP does, it installs the necessary server programs onto your Mac so you can use it as a server. Perhaps you could try reinstalling MAMP and making sure that all the components (apache, MySQL and PHP) are running before visiting the wp-admin/install.php page again.

    The configuration file will be named wp-config.php and you need to put in the values you used to create the database. That’ll be the database name (looks like you named it WordPress), the username, and the password needed to access the database. Even if you don’t have this file, the install process will guide you through this, but you have to get the server’s components up and running first.

    Thread Starter rosaalba


    I get the error again that the php is not running.
    I am not sure how to fix this (sorry to be a pest).

    In the re-saved wp-config.php I entered the precise terms

    // ** MySQL settings – You can get this info from your web host ** //
    /** The name of the database for WordPress */
    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘WordPressPassionofChristRCSchool’);

    /** MySQL database username */
    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘root’);

    /** MySQL database password */
    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘root’);

    /** MySQL hostname */
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);

    /** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */
    define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’);

    /** The Database Collate type. Don’t change this if in doubt. */
    define(‘DB_COLLATE’, ”);

    WordPressPassionofChrist&C is what I called the DB;
    I am not sure if instead of ‘root’ I should enter the actual file pathways Applications/MAMP/htdocs;
    I am not sure if instead of the term ‘localhost’ I should be typing
    https://localhost/MAMP/?language=English or just even localhost/MAMP/

    But, it seems to be my php that are problematic.



    Since the code reads
    define('DB_NAME', 'WordpressPassionofChristRCSchool');

    you should name your database ‘WordPressPassionofChristRCSchool’ instead of ‘WordPressPassionofChrist&C’. The names must match. The user and password will only work if those were the values you used when first setting up the database.

    Did you download MAMP from https://www.mamp.info/en/index.html and start up the servers after installation?

    Thread Starter rosaalba


    (the names do actually match: I just did not want to type it all out again *here*); the user name and specific password were the word “root”; I subsequently added a new user and password when I reinstalled again. I have reinstalled from MAMP several times – and yes I started the servers. Perhaps I should have entered the details.

    I have reconfigged several things (and then undone when it did not work) based on the various things I have found on reput. help fora.

    This problem is not unique. I think I may try and install it all from scratch on the other Mac I have which runs Snowleopard. I have abanondoned my attempts on my nasty slow little Dell machine using Windows Applications and Protocols as the downloads etc were taking hours.

    I am not impressed. We are no to about 11 hours of me trying.



    To check if php is running, try creating a phpinfo file.


    I have created a site locally on my Mac HD, I installed PHP5 as well as the current version i had with my Mac (10.5.8) did not support GD. Once I finished it, I did a sweep in all files lo0king for localhost or or and replaced the lot with my website address, I then exported my tables using Sequel Pro and opend it up in the same editor I used to sweep my flies before (Coda…really good by the way) and then replaced over 900 entries pointing to my local server with my websites address.
    I modified the config.php file to suit the database online, and just uploading it right now. I’ll let you know the outcome.


    You HAVE to have MAMP running! ?? … there HAS to be a green dot beside each of Apache Server and MySQL Server, and these HAVE to stay running as long as you are working on your local site ?? DO NOT CLOSE MAMP … just minimize it ??

    Out of the box, the default port for MAMP is 8888, so then, to start the WordPress (WP) installation, where your WP files are in Applications / MAMP / htdocs / wordpress, you would enter localhost:8888/wordpress into your browser ??

    When prompted for the database information, you enter:

    Database Name: whatever you gave it when you set it up
    Host Name: localhost
    User: root
    Password: root

    Please note that the above-noted User Name and Password are for THE DATABASE SERVER and is NOT for access to your WP Admin ?? … you set that up later in the install process ??

    And yes, as the other poster noted, you certainly can take the site to school on a flash drive; copy the “wordpress” (or whatever you called it) folder from htdocs and then export the database (DB) and copy the resulting .sql file.

    You export the DB from phpMyAdmin which you can access from the MAMP screen … click ‘Open start page’ > phpMyAdmin > click the name of your DB in the left pane > click the Export tab in the right pane > accept the default values > check the box “Save as file” (lower left) > click the ‘Go’ button (lower right) > click ‘Save’ when prompted > your DB SQL file will then be saved to wherever your downloads go for that browser. Also, the name of this SQL file is the name of the DB + .sql


    Also, to answer your initial questions, all are “Yes” ??

    And also do not rule out your “old Dell” … just use a more compact local server. The one I always use is The Uniform Server:


    On my “antique”, 2001 COMPAQ with XP and 512 MB RAM, it ran just fine and I built many a Joomla! and WordPress site ??

    Well I did upload everything, and it did not go well, so i did a clean install, on my remote server and recreated the site layout and copied my pages html to it. Took a couple of hours, but its done now.

    I am no expert, but there are some big gurus out there what could easily make a plugin for WordPress that will allow you to publish a local site to a live site, asking for your url database name/id/password etc and then simple click publish, Years ago when I used MS Frontpage (yes I am reformed now I use Mac) I did like the feature publish and it was great at sync with the live server and would offer options like only published changed/updated pages.

    Is there any plugin out there like that does anyone know??



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