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  • I agree. On Macs, the Command button replaces the Control key for most keyboard shortcuts. It would be great if this plugin recognized both key combinations.

    Good thing I have a G3 to play with. I’ll get away testing now ??

    Version 1.0.1 includes the changes necessary to support the Cmd key on Macs, please verify ??

    CMD-S does now work for Macs. Thanks.

    There is another bug I have found. The plugin works as expected for new posts, pages, links as well as editing existing pages and links. But when editing existing posts, it does not have the expected behavior.

    Also – but of much less importance – when adding user profiles, link categories, and editing existing posts, media, link categories, comments, theme files, plugin files, user profiles, and settings it does not cause changes to be saved.

    Saving posts and pages was my core frustration, and that is now cured (almost).

    Thanks for your work.

    I think the behaviour I coded in was for it to save as draft before publish, and update after.

    Since the “expected behaviour” stuff isn’t Mac-specific, would you care to create a separate but more detailed post featuring what you’d like to see changed ?

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