• Resolved katotmottgogo



    I’m having an issue with the Magic Action Box that I have added to my website.

    The situation is that the email service that I have been using for years is Constant Contact. Because of this, in order to use that with the MAB, I have to make use of the Opt-In option, which I have. In doing that, I have added the HTML code into the “Opt-in Form Code” box (as instructed). I then clicked the “Process Code” button (as instructed).

    Although the MAB does appear on my website pages, when adding an email into the box and pressing the “Subscribe” button, instead of processing the request, it instead takes you to a page that says “Page Not Found”.

    How can I fix this?

    Here is a link to a specific post on my website that you can check out and see what I’m talking about:

    Thank you for your time!


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  • Plugin Author Ryann Micua


    Hi @katotmottgogo, just checked the action box you created and in the opt in form code, found this:

    <form id="command" action="/manage/optin/ea?v=001sI1gWfQ1ijlb01lMGwPLBg%3D%3D">....

    which is why after you click on the submit button, you get a page with a URL that looks something like this correct? https://www.tmottgogo.com/manage/optin/ea?v=001sI1gWfQ1ijlb01lMGwPLBg%3D%3D

    The value inside the “action” attribute needs to be the correct value. Can you show us the original opt in form code that you got from Constant Contact?

    Thread Starter katotmottgogo


    Thank you for responding. Yes, here it is:

    <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1″>

    TMOTTMedia : Mailing List Signup


    <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js”></script&gt;

    <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.17/jquery-ui.min.js”></script&gt;

    <link href=”/core/css/jquery-ui/1.8.17/jquery.ui.base.css?version=20130705124151″ media=”all” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css”/>


    <script type=”text/javascript”>var NREUMQ=NREUMQ||[];NREUMQ.push([“mark”,”firstbyte”,new Date().getTime()]);</script><link rel=”stylesheet” href=”/ui/includes/Roving/css/base.jsp” type=”text/css”/>
    <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”/core/css/visitor.css” type=”text/css”/>

    <style type=”text/css”>
    body {
    border-color: #000099;
    a, a:link, a:visited, h1, h2, h3 { color: #000099;
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    <link rel=’stylesheet’ id=’media-views-css’ href=’https://www.tmottgogo.com/wp-includes/css/media-views.min.css?ver=3.6&#8242; type=’text/css’ media=’all’ />
    <link rel=’stylesheet’ id=’wp-jquery-ui-dialog-css’ href=’https://www.tmottgogo.com/wp-includes/css/jquery-ui-dialog.min.css?ver=3.6&#8242; type=’text/css’ media=’all’ />
    <link rel=’stylesheet’ id=’wp-author-bio-css’ href=’https://www.tmottgogo.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-about-author/wp-about-author.css?ver=3.6&#8242; type=’text/css’ media=’all’ />
    <link rel=’stylesheet’ id=’wp-pagenavi-css’ href=’https://www.tmottgogo.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-pagenavi/pagenavi-css.css?ver=2.70&#8242; type=’text/css’ media=’all’ />


    <div class=”screen-width-indent”>

    <div id=”visitorSiteLogo”>
    <img src=”https://ih.constantcontact.com/fs058/1101123220616/img/12.jpg&#8221; border=”0″/>

    <div style=”padding-top: 20px”>

    <div class=”container”>

    <h1>TMOTTGoGo Newsletter Registration</h1>

    <p>Please enter your email address below to sign up for our mailing list.</p>

    <form id=”command” action=”/manage/optin/ea?v=001sI1gWfQ1ijlb01lMGwPLBg%3D%3D” method=”post”>
    <input type=”hidden” name=”ref” value=””/>

    <div class=”background-wrapper clearfix”>
    <div class=”profile-label”>
    <label for=”emailAddr”><span class=”required”>*</span>Your email address:</label>
    <div class=”data-col”>
    <input id=”emailAddr” name=”emailAddr” class=”email-input” type=”text” value=”” maxlength=”80″/>
    <div id=”errorBlock”>

    <div class=”visitorActions clearfix sidepadded”>
    <input name=”_save” type=”submit” class=”btn btn-primary full”


    <!– tilesLayout/layout.jsp –>

    <div class=”txt-mid foot-container”>

    <div class=”footer_copy”>
    Getting it done right.TMOTTMedia uses <img src=”https://img.constantcontact.com/letters/images/safe_unsubscribe_envelop.gif&#8221; width=”12″ height=”9″ border=”0″ alt=”SafeUnsubscribe” title=”SafeUnsubscribe” /> SafeUnsubscribe? which reliably removes your email address from our lists.





    <script type=”text/javascript”>if (!NREUMQ.f) { NREUMQ.f=function() {NREUMQ.push([“load”,new Date().getTime()]);var e=document.createElement(“script”);e.type=”text/javascript”;e.src=((“http:”===document.location.protocol)?”http:”:”https:”) + “//” + “js-agent.newrelic.com/nr-100.js”;document.body.appendChild(e);if(NREUMQ.a)NREUMQ.a();};NREUMQ.a=window.onload;window.onload=NREUMQ.f;};NREUMQ.push([“nrfj”,”beacon-3.newrelic.com”,”5ab79a9e36″,”1784721″,”Y1MHYRBUCBJZBRJfW1oZL2YyGhIIVAMVelVNWRBBTVkHGFcTEhheR0Y=”,0,13,new Date().getTime(),””,””,””,””,””]);</script></body>


    Thread Starter katotmottgogo


    Okay. I got it working now!

    Thank you kindly!!

    Plugin Author Ryann Micua


    glad you got it working ?? awesome!

    You may want to post how you got it working though so others who may have the same problem can benefit too..

    Thread Starter katotmottgogo


    Yes of course… by all means.

    Well, basically as you mentioned, the value inside the “action” attribute needs to be the correct value (see below):

    <form id=”command” action=”/manage/optin/ea?v=001sI1gWfQ1ijlb01lMGwPLBg%3D%3D”>….

    The first part of that command is what was missing. It was only displaying the second part (see below).

    <form id=”command” action=”https://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/manage/optin/ea?v=001sI1gWfQ1ijlb01lMGwPLBg%3D%3D”&gt;

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