Ok, I apologize if I was in too much of a rush. I get impatient sometimes, and I am really sorry about that. Like I said, I wasn’t trying to make any enemies here.
As for having things set up the way I wanted them…I did, but I didn’t do anything special to the code to do it. I’ll try to explain what I did before that doesn’t work now…but I am really bad at explaining things like this. I’ll simplify this as much as possible…
Let’s say there were 4 link (blogroll) categories…A, B, C, D. If I didn’t do anything, they would display in alphabetical order. So when I created them in the Admin, I would put three spaces before C, two spaces before A, one space before D, and no spaces before B. That way they would display (from top to bottom) as C, A, D, B. That doesn’t work now, so the categories are in alphabetical order, which puts links at the top that are way less important than the links that are being forced to the bottom categories now. (i.e. “Blogroll” which I don’t care about is at the top, “Sponsors” which I do care about is all the way at the bottom.)
And the second thing that doesn’t work anymore is…
My bottom link category was “Cool Links”, and there I displayed 5 – 150 X 150 buttons that rotated. I did that by making the category display an image and then limited it to show only 5 links at a time. Now that doesn’t work, so I have 52 button images down the side of my page.
Anyway, if anyone can help me get this to function right again, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance!