• I have a question about fixing problems, breaks and <div> tags…

    Using the W3 Validator, I’ve noticed that some of my pages contain 40-50 errors…

    Is it normal for WP to publish pages that contain so many errors? Is this a problem?

    Could it because of widgets, advertising, and other sidebar options that “screw” up the code, if screwing up is even the right term?

    I also notice a few are “missing attributes” – but the pages display and work just fine…

    Any insight on this?

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  • you really need to provide a link to the site so we can see the code and see what the validtor says about the page.

    Thread Starter dakrisht


    Hi curis,

    Seems to me (I’m no expert) that a lot of these errors are due to advertising, adsense, amazon widgets, and maybe everything I’ve copied+pasted in the AdSense Manager plugin… ?

    Here’s a link to my latest post:

    Also, here is a list of my plugins and how they’re used:

    1) AdSense Manager – for adsense ads
    2) Super-Cache – Super Cache enabled

    Thanks for the help

    Seems to me (I’m no expert) that a lot of these errors are due to advertising, adsense, amazon widgets, and maybe everything I’ve copied+pasted in the AdSense Manager plugin… ?

    The new Adsense code will validate, but Amazon code will not. Addon code is a major source of validation errors. WordPress uses xhtml, so make sure that you get the xhtml version of the code (if available) instead of the html 4 version. As for validation errors, be sure to fix any unclosed div tags as these can really cause problems.

    Thread Starter dakrisht


    Hey iridiax,

    Thanks for your input. Everything seems to run fine and I haven’t noticed any errors in Safari, Firefox, Opera, IE7 or IE8.

    As for the unclosed div tags — would I fix those in individual posts and/or widgets (incl. adsense manager (where I copy+past the google code))?


    I validated the page you listed, and I didn’t see any unclosed div tags. I did see a lot of Amazon validation errors, but frankly I wouldn’t bother trying to fix these. They don’t seem to cause much trouble.

    To locate the errors in your code, select the Show Source option in the validator and then click Revalidate. Now, you can click on the line numbers of the errors and it will take you to that spot in your code.

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