Thank you for your review! It’s really nice to hear the specific features you enjoy.
I also really appreciate your list of suggestions. Number one and two especially. I have had many requests to add some way of having a ‘content’ snippet that can be inserted using a shortcode, but never the idea of simply adding it as a scope option. The reason why I have been holding off introducing such a feature is I felt that it would add another level of complexity to the plugin which would warrant a major redesign, but I think simply adding a fourth scope setting and a button to the visual editor would be definitely possible and would not cause much of a shift to the experience of using this plugin.
As for the second number two (groups of snippets), are you able to clarify what you mean by this? It sounds like an interesting idea, but I am not certain I understand what it is.
Regarding number three, which parts of the editor are you hoping to make full-screen? Just the code area? And by ‘full screen’, do you mean simply taking up all of the browser window?
The functionality to download a snippet as a .php file actually already exists! On the manage snippets page you can select a snippet’s checkbox and then choose ‘Export to PHP’ from the Bulk Actions menu. Perhaps a button on the edit snippet page would help to make this feature more visible?
The ability to trash a snippet would definitely be useful; I will keep it in mind for a future version. I have a plan to update the method used to store the snippets, and this would enable features such as trashing snippets, but it would involve a fairly major rewrite.
Thank you again for these wonderful suggestions!