I think you have two ways to go.
You can use the Say What plugin:
Set up string replacements for all the strings containing “Lottery”. There are about 80 of them.
In text replacement settings, the domain will be wc_lottery
Context is usually blank.
You may need to scour the files for the exact original strings. These may contain placeholders.
Alternatively, you can use Loco Translate plugin:
In this context, “translate” includes replacement strings in the same language.
Loco will make finding and changing the strings easier. Be sure to save your translation file in the custom location so that’s its not overwritten by updates to the Lottery plugin. The custom location is explained in the documentation for Loco. The disadvantage of this approach is that you will need to update your custom translation file yourself if new strings are added. If your site is US or UK English, this may not be a burden.
Consider asking Support at woocommerce.com to see if they have a better answer.