• Hi Guys

    I’ve been running one of my blogs for approx 10 months now and all of a sudden I have had an influx of users registering with my blog with an @gawab.com email addy.

    Not posting anything, just sat their looking suspicious. ??

    I say suspicious becuase I have had about 15 users register (out of the 18 I have had in the last 10 months) all with a @gawab.com address in the last three days.

    No posts, no comments or anything from these users.

    I’m running the latest release of WP – Anything I need to be worried about by these users?

    I recon they may be up to something ??

    Any views appreciated ??

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  • I have just had one add to my WP2 – Ronan. As my website is hardly the most visited and is essentially for our family, and the name is [email protected] this is rather suspicious. Gawab.com is apparently a very popular free email provider in N.Africa and the middle east. So I am going to switch the guy’s password.
    Like you say – something is afoot.

    Sounds like you have a case of the NiGeRI4N RoayLTy. I would consider deleting their accounts and looking for a plug-in to block users from that domain from registering on your site.

    Just had same person register agin with different email address – but they have been disabled for 2 many incoming emails! So this looks like a harvesting tool for a spam robot in the making?
    —– The following addresses had permanent fatal errors —–
    <[email protected]>
    (reason: 550 5.1.1 Account disabled temporarly for exceeding receiving

    —– Transcript of session follows —–
    … while talking to mx2.gawab.com.:
    >>> DATA
    <<< 550 5.1.1 Account disabled temporarly for exceeding receiving
    550 5.1.1 <[email protected]>… User unknown
    <<< 503 RCPT first (#5.5.1)
    I have disabled user self-registration on the website as a result. In my case it is not a big deal.

    Same user on my blogs today. I changed over to admin approval (core hacks) for registrations to limit the effect on my site, but I am still going to be bombarded until there is an effective solution to stop registration spam.

    If anyone can point me in the right direction for stopping registration spam it would be great. Akismet and Bad Behavior are already on my site and stop comment spam, but not registration spam.

    you can do a cpl things, that wont stop this sort of behaviour alltogether but will help to decrease it.

    1. If you use an .htaccess, make sure that your signup can only be called with a referer that matches your site:

    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^https://([^.]+.)?www.trentadams.ca/.*$ [NC]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ".*wp-register.php$"
    RewriteRule .* - [F]

    2. If you have mod_security available, you can use post payload checking and block that string:

    SecFilterEngine On
    SecFilterScanPOST On
    SecFilterDefaultAction "deny,log,status:412"
    SecFilterSelective "POST_PAYLOAD" "gawab"

    3. Since there’s a very good chance theyre using a proxy IP, you can use a proxy checker script, or something that performs a DNSBL lookup before allowing the page to load.

    My own recent implementation of #3 on my “email this post” form has proven invaluable. For instance,

    I got this email (i want the emails):

    date: Thu, 23 Nov 2006 17:25:23 -0500

    The above is an attempt by someone/something behind a proxy to load my “email this post” form. They were sent away ??

    and thank god they were.


    Seconds later, they tried again:

    2006-11-23 17:25:35
    Detected proxy server: webshield.ingcomfin.pl (
    trigger HTTP_VIA: 1.1 webshield.ingcomfin.pl
    trigger HTTP_PROXY_CONNECTION: close

    Proxies CAN be stopped ??

    DNSBL checking on small pages that arent loaded alot is very feasable. Ive thought about implementing a site wide solution but ditched the idea due to the nature of the continuous lookups. Ill see what I an do about providing this as a plugin for wp-register.php.

    its also worth mentioning that wp does already have a function for doing blacklist checking, wp_blacklist_check, but that its only set up to check comments (thats that little toggle box found in the backend regarding proxies), and everytime Ive tested it, its failed miserably.

    Thanks for that! I added the info to my .htaccess file. Don’t really understand the 2 and 3rd points, but they sound a little over my head!

    But thanks!


    Hi Guys …yeah i got some some these emails trying to register in my forum also …everything seems like there porn spammers …lately the board has been getting attacked by porn spammers

    here is 1 of them …JessicaLin – [email protected]

    peace ;o)

    Heya whoo…. did you ever get on with the plugin implementation? Would be nice….

    actually yes, I do have a DNSBL lookup plugin written, but I shelved it for sharing since Bad Behaviour 2.0.7 has one.

    Heres what Ive learned though, in that regard.

    I was not able to get BB to do the proper DNSBL lookup on my site, which is hosted at ASO.

    So my own DNSBL lookup plugin works very well for me,

    Last night, spencer installed the latest BB, and my own plugin.

    BB does do the DNSBL lookups for him just fine. We tested exactly the way I had tested on my site.

    The end result is that theres a possibilty that ppl that are using BB might not even know if the DNSBL lookups are even being done. I wouldnt have had I not tested it.

    My plugin sends emails.. and spencer was getting them, which means my plugin was working as needed, but that was before he turned on strict checking in BB’s configuration.

    My plugin loads after BB, so hopefully spencer has stopped getting emails and BB is doing all the work.

    My long winded point is that BB’s DNSBL lookup works on some boxes (spencer is proof) but not on others (i’m proof), and if someone has enabled strict checking in BB but is still seeing hits from IP’s that are entered into spamhaus thhen they might want to try my plugin.

    Thank you, I love cogent explanations (no I am NOT being nasty! – I mean it….)

    So do we have a link for your plugin? I haven’t upgraded BB as my daughter did and immediately had problems – and since we’re on the same host….

    you want a copy? ill zip it up and send it off to you.

    Just give me a little bit, like an hour — my real life is a tad overwhelming right now.

    Take your time…. whenever will be fine. Take a deep breath too, ‘kay?

    [And if there’s anything I can help with, just holler….]

    Here’s another way of stopping spam registrations. I feel a bit like a spambot myself, trying to put this on all the threads where people have asked about it….

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