• I have recently upgraded to WordPress 2.2, for about several weeks now and all of a sudden I can no longer visit moderation.php to moderate comments. Furthermore I cannot view any other pages of my blog other than the first page which is strange. Now there are also several more admin functions which I cannot use such as editing comments and such. Please take a look and tell me what’s wrong:


    I think my problem is that when I upgraded I simple overwrote all the files although I don’t think my FTP did it right. Please help me, Im losing faith in this forum.

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  • Same here: the login is displayed although no style. The wp-admin stylesheet results in 500 error.

    Just saw another thread where this worked instead of the previously suggested code:

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    SecFilterEngine Off

    See my post below.

    yes Im going to have to update my paste ??

    So, out of curiosity… does this “newer” version work with old and new mod_security?

    yes, that should disable it completely, regardless.

    Sorry made a mistake the directives are SecRuleInheritance and SecRuleEngine turning either one of these off with an .htaccess file stops the mod_security rules from applying to that directory but with SecRuleInheritance you can still apply other rules in the .htaccess file. Both of these directives are for version 2.0 and higher mod_security only. Earlier versions used SecFilterInheritance and SecFilterEngine as HandySolo pointed out.

    And actually divineiniquity if you still can’t get it try this in that .htaccess file

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    SecRuleEngine Off

    i sit corrected. suppose I could actually go look ..

    I actually had to look it up after my first incorrect post after I thought about it for awhile. It’s been awhile since I had setup my mod security, but I double checked everything on the mod security website.

    Thread Starter divineiniquity


    Just a question before I go thropugh with what’s been said: Why doesn’t WordPress auto-configure this sort of stuff before distributing the entire package?

    WordPress has nothing to do with mod_security. It’s software that your host has installed on their servers. Not everyone has mod_security on their server and if they do not everyone has strict rules that cause problems.

    Just go ahead and try the code I pasted earlier and see if it helps, it won’t cause any other harm.

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    SecRuleEngine Off
    Thread Starter divineiniquity


    Yeah I tried this piece of code:

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    SecRuleEngine Off

    shove it into the “…Wordpress/wp-admin/.htaccess” file right?

    Didn’t work…still 500 internal error.

    Apparently your host doesn’t allow Mod_security directives in .htaccess files which isn’t a big problem, that’s how I have my mod_security setup, now you’ll just have to call your host and have them turn off mod_security for the wp-admin folder.

    Thread Starter divineiniquity


    hmm maybe I should try to reinstall the whole thing again…and that means reposting every thing I’ve typed up…as in recreate the whole database from scratch because I believe the error is probably in the database. Because it doesnt make sense that WordPress 2.2 works fine for a few days and then suddenly everything stuffs up…either that or I simply don’t moderate comments anymore.

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