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  • Go back to that validation site (which is BTW, not the feed validation, but markup validation!) and check the box “Show Source” then click Revalidate.
    Every error line will become a clickable link showing you exactly where the errors are.
    Don’t worry about the numbers: sometimes correcting just one error it will eliminate 50…

    yeah, what moshu said. I remember one site I was working on, I had about 75 errors. I fixed the first three in the list (I figured, just start at the top)…by the time I hit #4, the page validated. All the other errors had fixed themselves just from fixing the first few. ??

    I think this post can help me and I hope someone out there can shed some light for me.

    I did the validation check on my site, I started out with over 45 errors. It looked like most of them stemmed from Amazon Ads errors, another post I have up. I removed all but one and got my errors down to 25. Now, where do fix this errors?? In the list that accompanies the report, then how does that fix my code?? I’m confused!! A lot of the errors I don’t even understand what I am suppose to do, the item that is highlighted in red is there but I don’t understand.

    Is 25 bad, I now any errors can have an affect on viewing in different browsers.
    al right I’m rambling because my head spins when looking at code and trying to figure it out.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)

    (@otto42) Admin

    We need more information. A link to the validator would be useful.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)

    (@otto42) Admin

    Your first problem is this:

    <div id="subtop">Beer, Music and Brewing are just a few of my Favorite Things</div>

    You cannot have a DIV inside of a P tag. DIV is a block level tag, P can only contain inline elements. Change your code, wherever this is (probably header.php of your theme), into this:
    <p id="subtop">Beer, Music and Brewing are just a few of my Favorite Things</p>

    Something else is producing an error in your code:
    <div class="entries"> <font color=red>Error: Photos path must have write permission for reduce originals option!</font><br>
    The problem here is actually that the error produces invalid xhtml (red must be in quotes). But you might be better off solving that actual problem, which is visible on your page.

    Several of the remaining errors have to do with the Amazon code you used. Amazon frequently creates this invalid code if you use their online link generators. I would avoid those and use wp-amazon or something else instead.

    Also, your theme itself appears to have a problem with the widget configuration. It’s using a UL for the sidebar, but then putting DIVs inside it, which makes no sense. Your sidebar.php and/or the functions.php needs to be re-examined and re-written.

    The rest of the errors are pretty obvious. Work them one at a time, from the top down. Revalidate after *each* error is corrected.

    The first issue is probably the theme also because I didn’t ad the line myself, it was something offered within the admin page.

    thanks alot for you help, I will start trying to tackle these things.

    I will look into the wp-amazon, is it a plugin to work alongside amazon??

    The theme that I am using is snoods-10, if anyone can help.

    I didn’t see the “widget” line in either place suggested or in any of the files, at lest not how it is identified in the validator, but then I am nowhere close to having a clue about PHP.

    I guess I am going to have to get a book out of the library to learn about it.

    Tmark, go into your AWSOM Pixgallery Options area and set the settings for “Reduce images in photos path (0 = disabled): ” for both Height and Width to 0 and update the options. That’s what’s causing the “Error: Photos path must have write permission for reduce originals option!” to appear.

    The reduce function is designed to literally change the file of the image by rewriting it, so it can’t do that if the photo isn’t set to 777 permissions. (and I wouldn’t change the photo permissions if you really don’t want it to be changed). This is a legacy function of the plugin.

    Thank you…thank you…thank you

    How much will it affect my Art page or my gallery??

    I will still give a try

    major kudos to all of the moderators and members who are out there helping all of us


    Problem resolved!!

    Thanks again to everyone!!

    I’m sure this will clean alot out of my validation

    Well not all of the problems are fixed.

    How do you fix problems that are coming from affiliates code, which is most of mine, without screwing up what the code does??

    I still can’t find the lines of code that are causing errors in any of my files.

    I hope that I am not going to have to find another theme, I like this one, but it is a pain in the A

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)

    (@otto42) Admin

    That affiliate stuff is actually in your posts themselves, and they’re big time screwed up. I don’t know how you made that code, but however you did it, you did it wrong.

    Given that those are Amazon links, I suggest using the WP-Amazon plugin instead. It will let you generate those links right from the post screen very easily. And they’ll work correctly too. I use it all the time, with no issues.

    I luckily can’t take credit for the code, that is all thanks to Amazon. All I did is copy and paste their code.

    I will give wp-Amazon a try and see if that cleans it all up.

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