Thank you for this info.
We will fix the all these errors in the next update of plugin.
If you want to make this fix right now, please follow these steps.
1) You can fix it now in actual version of plugin by making this small fix.
Please open this file ../wp-content/plugins/secure-downloads/core/opsd-js.php
then find this code:
wp_enqueue_script( 'opsd-chosen', opsd_plugin_url( '/assets/libs/chosen/chosen.jquery.min.js'), array( 'opsd-global-vars' ), '1.1' );
and replace it to this code:
// wp_enqueue_script( 'opsd-chosen', opsd_plugin_url( '/assets/libs/chosen/chosen.jquery.min.js'), array( 'opsd-global-vars' ), '1.1' );
2) Relative “A non well formed numeric” errors.
2.1) Please open this file ../wp-content/plugins/secure-downloads/core/any/opsd-class-notices.php
then find this code:
echo '<strong>' . __( 'Note!', 'secure-downloads' ) . '</strong> ';
and replace it to this code:
// Rules for NGINX
$opsd_upload = opsd_upload();
$upload_path2 = $opsd_upload->get_protected_dir();
if ( isset( $_SERVER[ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ] ) )
$upload_path2 = str_replace( $_SERVER[ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ], '', $upload_path2 ); // replace document root because nginx uses path from document root
$nx_rules = "location " . $upload_path2 . " {\n deny all; \n return 403;\n}";
echo '<strong>' . __( 'Note!', 'secure-downloads' ) . '</strong> ';
2.2) Please open this file ../wp-content/plugins/secure-downloads/core/opsd-products.php
then find this code:
$this->products[] = array( 'id' => microtime( false ) + wp_rand( 100 ), 'title' => $product_from_csv[0] );
and replace it to this code:
$this->products[] = array( 'id' => floatval( microtime( false ) ) + wp_rand( 100 ), 'title' => $product_from_csv[0] ); //FixIn:
2.3) Please open this file ../wp-content/plugins/secure-downloads/core/admin/page-send.php
then find this code:
$options[ microtime(false) + wp_rand(100) ] = array( 'optgroup' => true, 'title' =>'', 'close' => true ) ;
and replace it to this code:
$options[ floatval( microtime( false ) ) + wp_rand(100) ] = array( 'optgroup' => true, 'title' =>'', 'close' => true ) ; //FixIn:
then find this code:
$options[ microtime(false) + wp_rand(100) ] = array( 'optgroup' => true, 'title' => $product_arr['title'], 'close' => false ) ;
and replace it to this code:
$options[ floatval( microtime( false ) ) + wp_rand(100) ] = array( 'optgroup' => true, 'title' => $product_arr['title'], 'close' => false ) ; //FixIn:
then find this code:
$options[ microtime(false) + wp_rand(100) ] = array( 'optgroup' => true, 'title' =>'', 'close' => true ) ;
and replace it to this code:
$options[ floatval( microtime( false ) ) + wp_rand(100) ] = array( 'optgroup' => true, 'title' =>'', 'close' => true ) ; //FixIn:
Kind Regards.