lots of duplicate mails
We have sent 1 campaign to 1 list but many subscribers got the mail twice.
i compared the report with the mail log. it looks like the first 300 mails were sent only once, but after that it started to send two mails to the same recipient at once, always at the same time. the mailserver got two mails for the same recipient in the same second. this happened to almost all recipients after the first 300 mails were sent.
the first 300 mails were all sent at 20:34, the trouble started with the second bunch of mails at 20:40. suprisingly the first two mails were sent only once (Nr. 301,302) but starting with recipient Nr. 303 the mails were sent twice.
we have set 300 as the “Maximum emails to send at once”
we also set to send out max. 500 per hour, so the next bunch started at 21:00. interestingly this time, up to recipient 511 emails were sent only once and starting with recipient 512 everything gets sent out twice.
the same repeats with the next bunch of mails at 21:10. it starts with recipient nr. 812. the first and the second mail of this chunk are only sent once, starting with nr. 814 duplication starts again.
with the help of the report and the mail log, i made a list where you can see how many emails were sent to each recipient, and the time when it was sent:
it looks like most mail was sent twice.
hope this can be fixed soon, some subsribers are getting unhappy as it seems this already happened in the past.
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