Hi @mashut. Integrations, especially those with WPML and multi-currency solutions (of which we support 3), are extremely complex and take time to debug and fix without disturbing other features.
I understand you’re using this tool for your store but from what I’m seeing and hearing your expectation is instant 24/7 turn around during the busiest period of the year. We’re doing our best, but we’re only human.
After reviewing your ticket, I feel that the team has been pretty solid communicating. We’ve been responding to each of your messages with 24 hours generally, or overnight as we’re on opposite timezone from you. We also had the first of your issues lodged (tax issue) within a few days after some back and forth confirming your set up. The WPML/multi-currency issue took longer to verify but was also lodged as soon as we’d both figured it out. These issues are fixed already, the first will be released in 13.4.0 of Product Feed Pro, so please update when you see that come through hopefully this week. The latter is fixed but part of an ongoing sprint, I’m not sure on the exact release date.
It’s our policy to not give an exact deadlines in case things come up. An example would be a patch that we feel is urgent enough to be slotted in, in those cases it might derail a schedule and if that is communicated to multiple people, it causes a panic.
If you check the changelog, you’ll see we release at least monthly, but often more. We also review every single new bug, enhancement, feature request that comes in every monday. Rest assured the team is on it and fixes you’re after will be released soon.