Deleting the plugin directory and then reinstalling it did not change anything. I actually had to delete the plugin including all settings and data in the database and then reinstall it. Now it is at least possible to change and save settings again. But a stable chat, as it worked flawlessly 6 months before, unfortunately no longer exists.
1) Chatting on the smartphone is difficult even in version 9.0.20.
2) It is sad that it was not pointed out BEFORE the update that this function is no longer available, at the moment. We use the chat for social advice for people in crisis situations. It is very important to be able to pass the chat on to another contact person. Now we can only ask for the phone number in the chat and offer a callback.
3) Saving Settings works now. It certainly had nothing to do with incorrect entries.
more bugs:
4) Most of the chats will now be lost. It rings / a notification comes. The Live Chat window still shows “There are no active chats.” There is therefore no chance to accept the chat.
5) Sometimes chats are shown that you can actually accept. After a short time, these chats are gone again, although neither side has ended the chat. It is no longer possible to conduct a chat stably for longer than 1 or 2 minutes.
6) Before the update, you could “look into” a chat before accepting it. It does not work anymore. Only when I click “Join Chat” can I see the question. But then it is too late when I see that another chat agent would be a better contact person, because I can no longer pass this on.
7) Chats that have already ended remain listed under active chats, sometimes for hours. You can no longer click on it there, but with each further chat it becomes more and more confusing.
It is so sad. It was such a great plugin. Especially in times of Corona, we were able to advise people with social, psychological and financial problems, as they could not come to the advice center. We would have paid 10-20 € a month for it without any problems. Now, nothing works. And it feels like working with an early beta version of the software.