Hi there!
Your stats/followers aren’t lost – we just need to reconnect them to your new blog ID. Your site is assigned a unique blog ID that is tied to your site URL when you first connected Jetpack. If the URL changed anytime between the time you first connected and when you reconnected, the system on our end would recognize the new URL as a new site and would assign a new blog ID – which in turn would appear that you lost all your prior stats and subscribers.
In your case, your site URL when you first connected Jetpack was “classroommonitor.localhost.dev”.
I have reconnected your stats and followers to your new blog ID – please note that it may take up to a day for the update to be reflected in your Dashboard stats.
Also, now that your ID is now tied to your “www.classroommonitor.co.uk” domain, any future disconnects/reconnects won’t make any changes.
I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.