This isn’t a plugin, or at least I don’t think so. It is the default widget that is there after a new install. If I have a new install of wordpress I have a “recent comments” widget under widgets in presentation by default. This is what I would like to get back, or at least know which file in wordpress puts it in so I can try to get it back, Presently I am at a dead end.
I have upgraded 25 times or more, I have activated and deactivated brians threaded comments each time. It is possible if I knew which file and in which folder created the default widget for “recent comments” I might stand a chance of fixing it.
I believe I did something to a file that has deleted the “recent comments” widget.
the briansthreadedcomments works fine. but I can’t find the file that puts the original “recent comments” widget on the widgets page.
I really only know it is there on a new install, no upgrade or anything seem to bring it back. I assume it has to be a comment.php or something that is gone or corrupted.
I even tried to copy/paste from a blog that works. I really am lost.