Hi there, @lauraeglite,
I checked your site and I can see all the images at the moment, which is great news. Are you still experiencing that problem on your end?
If so, can you tell me more about that? Did the system return any errors or messages when you don’t see images? Can you tell us what plugins in detail make your pictures disappear?
I’d like to replicate this on my end, so the more information you can share, the better! You can share screenshots if that helps. You can create screenshots using something like Snipboard or Imgur and post the link here.
Meanwhile, it’d be great if we can re-connect Jetpack (also for better investigation) as it appears not being working as expected at the minute.
Could you please contact your web host and ask them to make sure that the connections to and from *.wordpress.com are allowed and not in the blocklist??In terms of IP ranges, the following ranges need to be fully allowed.
Look forward to your reply!