• Having installed easy table, I have now lost all the ‘italic/’bold’ formatting on that page???

    How do i get the <i> </i>, <b> </b> to work again?

    If this is a bug, it is a real shame as ‘Easy table works so well.
    Herewith the text:

    <b>Notices for the Week of October 20th
    Date, Time, Event
    <i>Wednesday 23rd</i>,11.00 a.m.,Holy Eucharist (said)
    <i>Sunday 27th</i>,8.00 a.m.,Holy Eucharist (said)
    <b><i>23rd after Pentecost</i></b>,10.15 a.m.,Sung Eucharist
    <b><i> </i></b>,7.00 p.m.,‘Songs of Praise’ (Muckairn)

    <i>Ecumenical service</i> – We have been invited to join ‘Churches Together, Taynuilt’, and they have a ‘Songs of Praise & Organ Concert’ in Muckairn Parish Church at 7.00 p.m. on Sunday 27th October, with refreshments. The Provost will be present, and hopes others will join her. Everyone is welcome.

    <i>All Souls’ Day</i> – There is to be a Eucharist at 7.00 p.m. on All Souls’ Day (Saturday 2nd November). A list has been put out in the narthex for names of the departed to be remembered in prayer. Please add the names of any relations or friends you wish mentioned, but do <b>please <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>print</span> the names clearly</b> – we sometimes have a bit of difficulty in reading handwriting!

    <i>Collection envelopes</i> – The boxes of envelopes for 2013-2014 are set out in church. Please collect your own box and deliver any others that you can. This will reduce the expense of postage.
    <i>Sharing the Vision: Mission Possible</i> – Alison Clark (Diocesan Congregational Development Officer) launched us on year 3 on September 11th, with a second session due on Wednesday 6th November.


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