• Since updating my iMAc to 10.8.4 about every half-dozen uploads of .jpeg graphics to my magazine website are refused by WP, usually because the suffix is missing. I didn’t notice that Elements had not added the suffix when I processed it for the web. I have posted at the Photoshop Elements forum on this, but now it sometimes occurs even when there IS a .jpg suffix, so I thought I would put it up here as well. Could this be a bug between the latest Mt. Lion update and WP?
    My site: https://www.audaud.com
    [Email redacted – We don’t provide that level of support here]

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  • I haven’t seen any Mac OS 10.8.4 related problems here or in my own work – Mt. Lion on two separate machines.

    Are you using Safari? Have you tried clearing all cookies and cache there? Have you tried another browser?

    You might also try deactivating all plugins to see if any are causing that, and clearing the caching on your site.

    Thread Starter johnsunier


    no new plug-ins. Yes, tried all three of my browsers and trashed the cache and cleared cookies of all three. No changes as a result.

    Is the file actually named file.jpg.jpg? Show file extensions.

    Thread Starter johnsunier


    No, it is not file.jpg.jpg. They have only a single .jpg and are prepared exactly the same way in Photoshop Elements 9. Never had this problem before. No new plugins whatever. WP has also been doing some other strange things lately. Among them: putting up Two identical versions of the same article when I only uploaded it once. The graphic failing to appear on the site when I saw it on the Add New Post page before I hit UPDATE. I’ve also contacted the support forum at Elements Village, but no response as yet.
    By the way, clearing the Safari cache destroyed all my Safari bookmarks (and it made no difference) so I’m having to deal with that disaster now…

    Safari has a user use online for browsers that is less than all others for what reason?

    Adding: https://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_safari.asp

    All versions ever released, worldwide stats above.

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