losing course-access after expired membership
Hi Team LifterLMS,
I plan to use a membership on my LifterLMS Website, with wich you have access to all courses.
The membership is for groups of students and they get access to the membership with a coupon code. This works perfectly! The membership should end at a certain date (end of school-year), after that date the stundents should not access to the courses. This also works perfectly, IF the students are automatically beeing enrolled into all of the courses, once they get into the membership.
This solution has two major disadvantages for me, since I plan to offer multiple courses (about 15-25), but not all students will want to do all courses.
- If they are automatically enrolled, all of the courses are shown in “my courses” in the dashboard, it would be better, if only certain courses are beeing shown, which they actually enrolled to / started.
- The databases are getting unnecessary big, since all students are beeing enrolled into all of the courses. Since I plan to (hopefully have a lot of users), this may be an issue.
I know, that the students don’t have to be automatically enrolled into all of the courses. This would solve both issues. But that has another major disadvantage for me: If the students get into the paid membership and then enroll (for free, because of the membership) into the courses via button-click, the students do not lose the access to the course, if the are not member in the membership anymore (or if the membership has expired). But this is very necessary for me.
Is there any other way, that the stundents lose there access to the enrolled courses, if there are not member in a certain membership anymore?
Or is there another elegant solution to the problem, which I don’t see at the moment?
I would be so thankful for ideas on this issue. Thank you very much!
Kind regards
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