I can send you the code but basically it’s not much more than the above. You can see the code in action here: https://bluesome.net/post/author/soeren/
That’s also the place were you can contact me directly by email. The whole “Bio” stuff is coming out of the user description field in the database – including the h3 an p tags.
It works for me if I create a new author.php and paste the following code inside (I’ve tested it – doesn’t look great but is doing the job):
$curauth = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
echo html_entity_decode($curauth->description, ENT_COMPAT, get_settings('charset'));
It maybe that due to the layout of your theme you’ll not see any text on the page because of eg. layering issues, scrolling off the page borders, etc. To confirm that the code doesn’t work, take a look into the HTML source code in your browser.
Remember that $curauth isn’t any built-in WP variable. It’s just local and could also be named $blah.
What happens if you are using the above code? Any error messages? Also checked the HTML source code for error messages?
Btw: I am using WP 2.0.4 but it also worked in at least 2.0.2.