• Resolved Chetan Prajapati


    When I activate plugin, I get below error in site health.

    Your site could not complete a loopback request Performance
    Loopback requests are used to run scheduled events, and are also used by the built-in editors for themes and plugins to verify code stability.
    The loopback request returned an unexpected http status code, 404, it was not possible to determine if this will prevent features from working as expected.
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  • Plugin Author Paul


    Are you running the latest version of Shield?

    Thread Starter Chetan Prajapati


    yeah. I am using latest version.

    Plugin Author Paul


    Strange, this error was fixed in the latest release.

    Are you using page caching plugin? If so, disable and retest.

    Are you using server side caching. If so, disable and retest.

    Are you using the rename login url feature? If so, disable it temporarily and retest.

    What happens when you disable shield?

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