Loopage Broken
Hey Elliot,
I am using the Genesis theme to loop through a custom post type by taxonomy and am using loopage to paginate. I would like the url of the pagination to be https://www.example.com/page/# but when I click on the button the word ‘page’ is removed from the URL and I am left with https://www.example.com/#. This would be fine but the pagination stops working after the first click as it tries to load https://www.example.com/#/page/#.
I have changed the pagination slug in the provided settings and most words will work properly excluding page, pages, and paged. Unfortunately, I need to either have https://www.example.com/page/# or https://www.example.com/# but no other word is really an option as it is a website for a client.
Do you have any suggestions for what I could be doing wrong or what could be going on here?
Here is my code:
[cache name=webinar_resource_items expire=’1 day’ update=true]
[loop type=resource taxonomy=resource-type term=webinars paged=9 query=default]
<div class=”resource-entry webinar-entry [field post-type] one_third full-width-min”>
<div style=”padding:15px 30px 30px 0;”>
<div class=”resource_thumbnail table middle”>[hoops name=”resource-type_post-icon”]
<div class=”resource_meta cell”>
[p class=”flat”][post_date][/p]
<div class=”resource_content”>
[h4 class=”bold box-title tight”][field title][link class=”color-navy hide”][field title][/link][/h4]
[p class=”media-link bold”][hoops name=”resource-type_media-link”][/p]
[loopage prev_text=”« Previous Page” next_text=”Next Page »”]
[/cache]And these are the settings:
Permalink slug for pagination
Pagination slug
Default query string
pagename=company/events/webinarsThanks so much for the help!
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