Hi 3pointross,
Thanks for the reply.
A link in a readme.txt? You do realize that when installing from within WordPress you don’t see that text file right?
What stuns me is how often directions to use the plugin is not included in the control panel. This plugin is by no mean alone in this failing. In oder to get that link you provided I have to FTP into my site, open the directory and then open a text file, copy the link, open a new tab and paste the link. Why is it not simply included in the control panel for the plugin itself? Wouldn’t help documentation make more sense to be WITH the plugin and not in a little file that in very inconvenient to get to?
Sure the link may be in the description but how do I get that? I now have to go to ‘add new plugins’ search for your plugin, click on ‘more details’ and then find the link. That’s a lot of work to find documentation. It’s akin to buy a car but the manual is only available at the car dealership where you bought it.
Again, you are, unfortuneately, the final one that I’ve experienced and it’s annoying when a help file isn’t in the program itself. (can you imagine Microsoft saying, “The help file is in a folder on your hard drive” and never being able to jsut click on ‘help’ or hit ‘f1’ from within Word?)
I hope this convinces you to make things easier for the people to use your product. Do not take this personally, it just a bad habit many plugin authors have gotten into and not really understanding the user side of things.