• Hello,

    We recently installed Car Demon, along with purchasing multiple Car Demon add-ons (marco-transactions) that costed hundreds of dollars. We were already working with a local business that had their own development team. They thought this would be an easy setup because the screen shots looked promising. On the first initial setup, it wasn’t impressive at all. This plugin is pure bare bones to start with. So the development team put in a lot of work to get it to look reasonable. I decided to take a crack at it. I don’t consider myself a WordPress Developer by any means but I’ve worked with html, css, java, javascript, php, mysql and c/c++ over the years but Car Demon is quite a mess when you start digging into it.

    We thought we could continue using the plugin, but in the end we just could no longer use it for our purpose. Based off the screenshots, it’s very misleading. I have to consider Car Demon bloatware too. It was pulling in about 40-45 requests on every single page that loaded. I can see 5-10 requests but 40+ requests is insane for just one plugin. Also, when we updated to WordPress 5.2.4 on October 14th…it started to cause glitches to our inventory.

    I believe the plugin is worth 1/5 stars but I have to give an extra star for Jay who responded to my message quickly and professionally.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by rvleaders.
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  • Plugin Author theverylastperson


    Hi Brandon,

    We’re sorry to hear you ran into so much trouble.

    We looked in out records and the only support ticket we saw was when you had an issue trying to download one of the add-ons. Outside of that we were unaware of any issues you were having. We would be more than happy to assist you in using our add-ons if you contact us directly.

    We’re very concerned about your mention of 40-50 requests per page load. There’s no reason you should have seen that, even with 4-5 of our add-ons running. Each add-on should only load a single CSS & JS file, the only exceptions to that are the Pro Search add-on, which also loads a single json file and our Template Builder which can load 1-2 files per active template. It seems doubtful you were seeing nearly as many requests as you stated, but perhaps there was an unknown configuration issue causing the problem. If you will contact us directly we’d be more than happy to investigate.

    On a similar note, we typically advise users with multiple add-ons to install something like Autoptimize to combine & minify all of their CSS & JS requests. This is a best practice we suggest to reduce overhead from not just our PlugIns but for all PlugIns people may use on their sites.

    We’re also concerned about the misleading Screenshots you mentioned. All of our screenshots are made with our add-ons in a default state, typically with a standard theme like Twenty Eleven – if anything they underestimate the capabilities. We suspect you didn’t realize you could import the default Templates in our Template Builder, but we assure you all of those templates are included.

    You’re also the only report of an issue with WordPress 5.2.4 – as a security update it was reviewed and shouldn’t have had any direct impact. Perhaps there is a conflict with another PlugIn or your theme that was updated at the same time?

    If you’ll reach out to us directly on our contact page we’d be more than happy to review these issues and help you move forward. The key to solving most issues is good communication, if you let us know there’s a problem we’ll do our absolute best to make sure that the problem is resolved.

    Regardless, we wish you the best moving forward and want to thank you for letting us know you had an issue.

    Best wishes,

    ps. – You mentioned someone named Chris assisting you, but we don’t have a Chris on staff. Not sure who it was but we’re glad you found their assistance timely and professional.

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