• Hello All,

    I have need of either a plugin, or a stand alone web based application. I can pay some, but not huge sums of cash for this.

    The person will need to know XML feeds and the structure of WordPress databases and of course, PHP. This should actually be a non-complex task (don’t all prospective clients say that?), but I don’t have the desire to learn the needed knowlege to do this.

    If you are interested, please contact me at: contract AT laosegui.com and I will fill you in on the details of what I am looking for.



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  • Moderator James Huff


    I have need of either a plugin, or a stand alone web based application.

    To do what exactly?

    Thread Starter laosegui


    The need might be considered contorversial by some so I want to avoid saying it here for fear of stepping on toes.

    However, to the best of my knowledge what I need is completely legal. There may already be a application out there that already does what I need for all I know, but I just haven’t been able to find it.

    Anyone who has the skills I listed above can email me and I will be more than happy to fill them in on what I want. If they can do it, but don’t want too, that is fine. I won’t hold any hard feelings. ??


    Moderator James Huff


    No worries. In that case, make sure that you have completely checked the various plugin resources and have confirmed that what you’re looking for doesn’t already exist.




    Thread Starter laosegui


    Thank you for the links. I checked them and I don’t see anything that does what I need it too. So if there is any PHP/XML/WordPress programmers out there and you want to make a few bucks, drop me a line at: contracts AT laosegui.com

    Could you give us even a clue as to what this thing does ? Then folks with the necessary skill set can contact you ?

    Thread Starter laosegui


    Okay, by popular demand, here is the scoop:

    What I would like is the ability to automatically read various RSS feeds and have them put into the WordPress database as individual posts (Just the feed snipit, not the entire thing).

    I would also like to assign what category those posts are put under (as well as whether or not people can post comments on them) and figure out a way where I can pick and choose the categories I want to have show up on my main blog page. (So I can have the RSS feeds on other pages that I would make static links to.)

    I hope this makes sense.



    There are some re-blogger scripts around, and I’ve been thinking about adding such functionality to CG-FeedRead, but been hard to justify spending the time so far…

    If you have any more particular details of how you’d expect to ‘interact’ with such a plugin, let me know.


    Thread Starter laosegui


    Hi David,

    Some of the things that I would like it to do would be:

    A) Automated Retrieval of Feeds
    B) Ability to assign categories on a feed by feed basis
    C) Checking for duplicate entries
    D) Linking back to original source
    E) Ability to read several different types of ‘standard’ feeds

    That pretty much is all I am looking for. ?? Of course, that is before I see it running, then I am sure that I would have other tweaks come to mind.


    So, you want new items on feeds picked up and auto-posted into a particular category pre-set based on the particular feed? (Just checking that I read that correctly…)

    A (which is really auto-posting…), C, and D are all somewhat ‘basic’ features I’d need to build in anyway. Well, the auto-posting stuff is versus a managed/admin-interface approach where you checkmark new items in your ‘subscribed’ feeds to be posted to your site — both approaches are useful, and relevant to different folks, so I’d probably do both in the end.

    B is just a data assignment.

    E is already in CG-Feedread — it handles most of the major feed formats pretty well (although still needs a lot more extensive testing against wide varieties of generated sources, as no two programs generate a given feed type identically… ?? ).


    I am about to udergo this same process and I’d like to throw my question at you.

    If you are allowing PHP in the post, is the comment section secure?

    right now I have PHP exec running to allow feedread in a post but I have comments turned off. How can I do this without the PHPexec plugin?

    I don’t know about PHP exec, but I assume it’s much the same as RunPHP. If that’s the case, the only content that is available for PHP evaluation is the post content. The comments are not evaluated.

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