You have set the width of the container to 72.8em but as you have set your font size to 62.5% (that is equal to 10px at default browser settings) you are only getting an effective width of 728px which wastes a lot of screen real-estate in these days of larger screen resolutions and frankly looks very silly on my 1680px monitor.
The sidebar has a width of 20em which computes to a width of 200px at your font size but your sidebar images (login etc) have a width of about 250px so they extend beyond the width of the sidebar, contributing to the ‘weirdness’ of the sidebar mentioned by abinav.
The website has a bold, in-your-face look which I think is quite appropriate given the content of the website. However your top navigation menu looks fairly insignificant and out of character with the rest of the page.
I don’t think font size and font family used in the ‘Sponsors’ area is compatible with the overall look and feel of the site.
Sorry that my comments are largely negative but I do feel the design needs a lot of work