• I am looking for a calendar that can import events from other calendars either through .ical, rss, .csv or some other standard file format. I’m currently using MyCalendar, which does not have this option. My site is combining event calendars from numerous organizations and will have up to 10 events on any given day. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I’m not opposed to paying for something if it is reliable. Thanks.

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  • This is in development for My Calendar, but I can’t give you any specific information about a schedule of completion. Not sooner than late October, though.

    I’m looking for this too. I found that the “All-in-one Event Calendar” can import iCalendar .ics feeds, but I need something that can import .rss (or, I need to figure out how to convert one format to the other.)

    Joe Dolson let me know that the My Calendar importing of other calendar isn’t a top request right now, so it’s not going to make it into the upcoming update to the My Calendar plug in. I’m looking for a plugin calendar with similar ability, so I can import my Outlook work calendar or my personal outlook.com (formerly Hotmail) calendar.

    If anyone finds a plug in that does this, please let us know.

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