• I am looking for an FAQ plugin for my site. What I am looking for is a sliding table of contents for the page.

    Example: I have a list of Frequently Asked Questions when visitor click on topic the the content slides out into a text box and when they click on it again it closes.
    Is there a plugin specifically designed to do this or is there another plugin that could be customized the be used this way.

    I will continue to search for a solution while i wait for suggestions.

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  • Thread Starter Mezloh


    I found what i was looking for and found a great plugin that works fantastic with wanted i was trying to accomplish on my blog.

    I will keep the plugin to myself since this topic didn’t seem to catch anyone’s attention or any suggestions from anyone


    I will keep the plugin to myself since this topic didn’t seem to catch anyone’s attention or any suggestions from anyone

    lol oke, i will bookmark this so i can refer back to it next time you ask a question too ??

    @sayno2odor: Why the sudden change of heart? You have received plenty of help before (as have I) on these forums; ask yourself: has anyone been stingy with the information when they helped you?

    Anyway, I do use an FAQ plugin. Unfortunately it’s really out-dated and just about works for WP2.3. I would hesitate to recommend it to anyone at the moment even though it does what it says on the tin, since the original author website is no longer available.

    But a google search threw up FAQ-Tastic (Lite edition is for free) I’ve never used it, but it’s supposed to be 2.5 compatible.

    I will keep the plugin to myself since this topic didn’t seem to catch anyone’s attention or any suggestions from anyone

    lol. Quite surprising to hear from someone using open source software…. ??

    I’ve been searching all over the place for a faq plugin (faq-tastic has some issues with an older version of wordpress).

    Can you please post which plugin you found?
    maybe I can use it as well.

    @gadoo: If your wordpress version is 2.3.x then you could probably use the plugin I’ve got since it’s mostly compatible with this version of WP. I have no idea if it works for 2.5 though.

    I too could have used that information regarding a worthwhile FAQ plugin. That’s why I came here,..that’s why we’re all here.
    The FAQ-tastic download links don’t seem to be functioning or evident.
    Share and share alike…and get a life while your at it Mr._Icantstandsmellythings!

    Hi there, yes FAQ Tastic is available, the lite version is free and well worth a look.



    I’ve got this one installed on a site:


    I found it a bit confusing to figure out at first and it’s got some very nice features but on the other hand I’ve got some problems w/it. I copy/pasted text in for answers from my original FAQ which was not an FAQ plugin but just a page with Q’s and A’s. When I pasted in the text, it removed removed my in-page links which were created using RB-Internal Links. The backend code is there for the links:

    <!–intlink id=”226″ type=”post” text=”link text here”–>

    but the links don’t show up on the pages. In fact the text that is supposed to be linked is not even on the page, so parts of sentences are missing where there is supposed to be text link to another page on the site.

    It also doesn’t read: <!–nextpage–> so pages that were originally 2-3 “pages” are now one very way to long page. This code is also visible in the backend, but it doesn’t make a new page.

    It doesn’t have, use or set itself up to use any kind of editor so any code you input like em or strong tags must be hand coded. From what I can tell, there’s no way to get it to use the WP editor or the TinyMCE editor which is what I’ve got installed.

    I sent a request for help from their site help area probably about 2 weeks ago, but haven’t heard anything back. I could probably deal with no editor and just hand code what I need, but I cannot do w/o the in-page links. I’m going to be trying another request for assistance but in the mean time I’m going to have to look elsewhere because this is holding me up.

    If anyone has a fix for this, I would be very grateful to hear it.



    Well, nevermind … I found another post and apparently the creator has abandon this plugin.

    Hi there,

    You can try out the WordPress FAQ plugin by Tribulant Software. It is a commercial plugin and a license can be bought for US$24.99. A full, online demonstration is provided which you can test run before buying.

    All the best,

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