• Friendly hello! I regularly enjoy replying to comments on my blog, but find it more time-consuming than it should be, because I open up recent posts in full and read the threads, often replying to multiple commenters.

    The default WordPress Admin > Edit Comments section sorts comments by most recently posted date, but is there a plugin that’ll sort them by post? And it doesn’t have to be all of them either, because being able to see the last 5-10 comments on a post without the overhead of needing to open the whole post would be great.

    Even better is if I could reply to comments inline and live, perhaps with AJAX technology.

    I found this plugin which does make some of the process easier:

    ? https://www.digitalramble.com/admin-panel-comment-reply-plugin/

    but it doesn’t sort by post.

    Thanx in advance!

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