• HI Sayful Islam or any helpful individual

    Bottom line at the very top: Is there a detailed PDF tutorial with screen shot examples available, PLEASE.

    I am a complete beginner. I have read the tutorial or at least the text and screen shots (which are very hard to see clearly even when expanded) and have tried many combinations but can’t get it to work.

    The object of the exercise is to get a carousel working where I want it to work. I will worry about the fine tuning later.

    A brief overview:
    Desktop> Settings> Carousel Slider> Leave defaults.

    Desktop> Carousels> Add New> OR Desktop> Carousels> All Carousels> Add New>
    In here you create a standalone carousel complete with its photo content.

    The components are:
    [carousel id=”1”] I am presuming that each carousel need a unique id identifier.
    Incorporate your photo:
    [item href=”” img_link=”https://YourDomain/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/DSC02252.jpg”%5D
    (href=”” Enter a hyper link reference or leave blank “”)
    (img-link=”” Enter the address of the image or leave blank “”)

    You can have numerous [item href=”” img_link=” “] (lines)

    [/carousel] This closes the carousel.

    Update and view the carousel – it works, it needs work but it works.

    Desktop> Carousel Categories> complete the fields on the left hand side and “Add new Carousel Category”. This populates the table of categories on the right hand side.

    The question here is: what is the relationship, between actual carousels of photos and categories.

    I have observed that the count increases if you associate a category with an actual carousel.
    Also that each category has a slug associated with it.

    Now we get to the bottom line:
    I am presuming that you can insert your previously made carousel directly into your web page by referring to it as follows:

    [carousel_slider id=’1′ category_slug=’one’]
    In my case [carousel id=”1”] and my category slug = hmp01.

    [carousel_slider id=’1′ category_slug=’hmp01′]

    This did not implant my carousel into my web page.

    I have no idea what I am doing wrong but I have being doing it for a long time now – Help.

    I don’t know if it is possible to upload screen shots so I am setting them out at the bottom of this document just in case:

    All the screen shots have vanished.

    This is a chicken and Egg situation. You have to create both independently and then link them.

    All the screen shots have vanished.


    You can’t see the carousel !!!!!


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