Hello Folks!
I am so happy to say that this particular issue has been has been resolved. I am able to login to the weblog.
Please stay with me there is something to be learned from what follows.
Thank you very very much Podz and once again I am sorry about any misunderstanding I generated.
Following more than 1 week of considerable effort and pain because I refuse to give up, with Podz assistance last night the site was installed.. Now I had to login!
The blasted password would not work!
I cut and pasted, I looked carefully, at the password, the URL bla bla nothing worked and now I was driving other people crazy! I went to sleep dejected, totally demoralised, feeling I should give it up and wondering what’s up with me! I’m not so new to computing, maybe I’m somewhat sick?
I got up today a bit afraid to even look at the issue, checked my mail and found one from Podz and a couple of telling offs in the support thread for unwittingly bumping..
I had no choice but to respond to Podz.. He was trying to help me after all.
Turns out after 2 or 3 exchanges I discovered that:
1) The password I was using was wrong; viz ” xxxx1x” was being interpreted by me as “xxxxlx”, (I did cut and paste it at one point and I can only imagine that a URL must have been malformed at that exact time causing an error.) at this point I had actually given up and thought I would try this one last thing!
2) I malformed a URL at the last minute again, Podz pointed it out thus https://
The combination of the malformed URL and the wrong password was making me crazy.
The learning here for me is that uncertainty and a week full of stress can make one totally blind!
Press on with your objective even then and a single move can make all the difference in life! Don’t succumb to the idea that “some thing is wrong in you heard, mistakes can happen to the best of us and it’s worth trying the most insignificant hunch.. Hey, I thought I knew this already!
Thank you all who have contributed and once again I’m sorry for any stress I passed on. I feel quite tearful now.
Thanks for making me welcome to the wordpress community.
Now where are those lovely template files..