• Resolved char1m


    I was on my dashboard, updated the plugins, and then an error page appeared. I took a screen shot something about Fatal error on line 424

    Whilst I can see my dashboard, I cannot get ‘into it’ again, I get redirected to the error page. Won’t let me logout (redirect to error page)


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  • Plugin error probably. What I would do it go into my files using Filezilla FTP and just remove all the plugins from the plugin folder. It will probably work. Or if you remember which plugin you updated, just remove that one and see what happens.

    Thread Starter char1m


    Thanks much

    Didn’t see the email cause www.remarpro.com subscribed be to about 20 forums, so over a hundred emails daily from the site.

    I have no idea what you said ~:-) I found a technician who sorted it thanks (yes was a plugin)

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