I’m trying this plugin for the first time.
My need is simple: Just put the logo directly above the login box. I don’t even need a fancy page background.
After a half hour of guessing at how the heck to get the logo to appear correctly (tried everything I’ve read in the support forum), I’ve finally just opted to hide the logo.
What is frustrating is that I can’t find adequate documentation on this. For example, “Logo Background size” means what, exactly? I don’t want a logo background; I want a logo, and I want to size it without having to be a CSS maven (I’m not).
And what do “none,” “cover,” “contain,” “flex,” and “custom” mean? I gather custom means I can enter my logo’s dimensions. So I select it and enter my logo’s dimensions; doesn’t work (and then there’s that head-scratcher: selecting “custom” opens up the “Logo Background size (custom)” field, with this message: “Note: Logo Background size MUST be set to none.” If I set it to none, the “Logo Background size (custom)” field disappears.
I’m sure if I had oodles of time to do this, I’d get it figured out. I don’t–that’s why I’m searching for a plugin.
At this point I don’t know what to do. I like what this plugin does for others. So maybe someone could provide me the specific settings I need to display my logo directly above the login? The logo, btw, is 160px x 75px. Any help is appreciated.